We have been following David Steinberg’s investigative reports on Minnesota Fifth District DFL congressional candidate Ilhan Omar’s apparent marriage to her brother. The Fifth District being one-party territory, Omar will be elected to Congress on November 6. Osama bin Laden could make it there with the DFL endorsement.
Digging into Omar’s curious case from out of state, Steinberg has embarrassed the Star Tribune — assuming there is a reporter or editor over there with the slightest bit of professional pride. See, for example, my recent posts “Ilhan Omar’s ‘disgusting lies'” (October 23), “Omens of Omar” (October 24) and “Well, alright!” (October 27).
Today Steinberg returns with the follow-up report “Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother.” Steinberg emailed Omar to request her comment five days ago. As usual, Omar has declined comment while continuing to refuse interviews on the subject(s). Except at the Star Tribune, someone might almost begin to think she’s got some serious wrongdoing to hide.
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