The predictable unwinding of the Jussie Smollett hoax prompted someone (not sure who to credit) to come up with the pithy phrase of the week that I’ll adapt slightly, namely, that the demand for racism exceeds the supply, so behold, supply-side racism! So we have “fake noose” to go with the media’s “fake news,” not to mention the “fake nous” offered by our universities. More fakery than a plastic surgeon’s office on Rodeo Drive! But I think the week really belongs to Bernie—remember him?—who is a Democrat again (how conveeeenient!), and moreover raked in something like $6 million online in the first 24 hours after he announced his candidacy on the set of Jurassic Park: Vermont Edition. So this week’s gallery is dedicated to Bernie.

This is, in fact, a real thing.
Headlines of the week:

Yellow vest protest, canine edition

Bobby Knight never needed a gun. He’s like Chuck Norris that way.
Our choice for armed dude of the week is dictated by the news of the week:
And finally. . .
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