Criticizing critical race theory

CRT is the hate that dares to speak its name. Indeed, it won’t shut up. Now peddled by Joe Biden and the functionaries of his administration, the hate has become our current orthodoxy. I am therefore feeling nothing but love for Half Black Conservative exposing the party line being shoved down our throats. Ms. HBC dissents:

[L]et me make this clear: you are being brainwashed and manipulated. I don’t care who you are. People of color, you are being brainwashed into think that you are a victim and you are hated, and being manipulated into using your voice, your vote and your time to support people who do not share your interests and frankly do not care about you.

White people, you are being brainwashed into feeling guilt you should not feel, manipulated into closing your mouths and blamed for an issue that has been exaggerated beyond belief. It is due time that we all wake up.

I thought it was time to wake up a while ago, perhaps when Ta-Nehesi Coates was riding the top of the best-seller list with “An updated racial hustle.” So the time to wake up is overdue, but Ms. HBC has turned in a much needed wake-up call.

Via Joel Abbott/Not the Babylon Bee (“Watch this woman disembowel the pervasive brainwashing of Critical Race Theory in under 60 seconds”).

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