Everyone knows that Gaza remains under the thumb of the genocidal thugs of Hamas. What about the area under the governance of Mahmaoud Abbas on the West Bank?
I met Khaled Abu Toameh in Jerusalem in 2007, when he worked as a reporter for the Jerusalem Post. He must be the bravest journalist I have ever met. For as long as I can remember he has told the truth about the Fatah regime to anyone who would listen, yet for some reason its multifarious supporters in the West don’t give a rip. His column “The Palestinian police state” comes with these bullet points:
• These [Palestinian] leaders have turned the Palestinian Authority-controlled areas of the West Bank into a police state where political opponents are beaten to death, arrested, tortured and intimidated.
• The crackdown was almost entirely ignored by the mainstream media in the West — until the death of [activist Nizar] Banat. It was ignored because the perpetrators were not Israeli policemen or soldiers. It was ignored because the media could not find a way to blame Israel for the fact that the Palestinian government was harassing, intimidating and torturing Palestinians.
• The silence of the international community and media towards the human rights violations by the Palestinian Authority has prompted Palestinian journalists to make a direct appeal to the European Union to provide them with protection.
• The protests… are mainly directed at the Biden administration, whose representatives have recently been courting and searching for ways to cozy up to Abbas and his Fatah cohorts. The message Palestinians are sending to the Biden administration: Stop empowering our brutal, corrupt leaders.
• Will the Biden administration and the Western world actually legitimize — and reward with millions of dollars and possibly even a state – political leaders who brutalize, torture and murder their own journalists and citizens? To gain what? A legacy of America championing a regime like that?
See the whole thing here.
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