Bordering on incoherence

Why has President Biden opened our southern border? That wasn’t quite the question that he took on his way out the door of his remarks on the DISCLOSE Act yesterday (transcript here), but it was close. He was asked: “On the border, why is the border more overwhelmed under your watch, Mr. President?”

Everyone knows that Biden has invited illegal aliens in. That is the answer. Biden, however, regurgitated what he had recently heard somewhere about last month’s numbers (cited in the AP story that I linked to here):

Because there are three countries that are — never have — there are fewer — fewer immigrants coming from Central America and from Mexico. This is a totally different circumstance.

What’s on my watch now is Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua. And the ability to send them back to those states is not rational. You could send them back and have them — we’re working with Mexico and other countries to see if we can stop the flow. But that’s the difference.

I have no idea what this means other than that Biden’s mental capacity has gone south of the 40 percent at which I have had it pegged.

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