The following question ought to be put publicly: If the person who died as the result of Daniel Penny’s brave act of self-defense had been white or Asian, would Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg have indicted Penny? Everyone knows the answer to this.
The left is clearly trying to re-run the George Floyd drill. In the aftermath of Floyd’s death, the nation’s ruling elite had a nervous breakdown. One good indicator of this is the database our friends at the Claremont Institute produced of contributions to Black Lives Matter and associated leftist race-related organizations in the aftermath of L’Affaire Floyd. The total comes to a staggering $97 billion (mostly from corporate sources indulging their liberal guilt and buying off their internal DEI faction lodged securely in their HR departments)—more than the GDP of 46 African countries. See more in Josh Hammer’s commentary in Newsweek.
Are we going to see a re-run of the Floyd/1619 Project riots again this summer, especially if—as I think possible—Daniel Penny’s indictment is dismissed at the first preliminary hearing? Will we see corporations rushing to open their checkbooks again to pay off the race-hustlers? Will there be shrines erected and public squares renamed in memory of Jordan Neely? I doubt it.
One sign of sense slowly returning is that as of this morning, Daniel Penny’s defense fund has raised $1.5 million online. The number will likely grow higher, and is also likely to be way more than he will need for a first class defense even if his case goes all the way to trial. Maybe the surplus could be converted in to a general defense fund to support others around the country who get charged for the “crime” of self-defense?
A memorial fund for Neely has been set up. It is notably less successful than Penny’s fund:
I’m sure BLM will step up and help.
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