The Daily Chart: The Venezuela Question

The obviously fraudulent/stolen election in Venezuela represents one of the largest foreign policy humiliations of the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration offered sanctions relief to Venezuela in exchange for Venezuela agreeing to a free and fair election. Everyone over the age of six knows that Biden did this because he wanted to allow imports of Venezuelan oil to help keep down gasoline pump prices here in the U.S. (having largely depleted our Strategic Petroleum Reserve for this purpose). So the sanctions relief/election trade was a fig leaf for domestic political concerns.

Now that Maduro has cheated massively in the recent election, what is the U.S. going to do about it? Apparently nothing—not even reimposing sanctions on the regime. (Or perhaps, a cynic might say, Biden doesn’t want to bring any attention to the problem of stolen elections.)

Venezuela is astoundingly weak. A truly competent CIA could organize a coup without difficulty, if they weren’t trying so hard to arrange another coup against Donald Trump. How weak is Venezuela? Here’s one indicator, which doubles as a lesson for moronic millennials and adults who should know better (recall that both Bernie Sanders and Nobel winning economist Joseph Stiglitz endorsed Venezuelan socialism—it is not hard to make out the beginning of Venezuela’s economic collapse—it’s when the socialists took power):

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