Ammo Grrrll finds that DEHUMANIZING MAKES A COMEBACK. She writes:
I hope that most Power Line readers enjoyed the Republican National Convention as much as I did. Though I am a tough grader on public speakers, I thought there was not a single speech that was not at least a strong B+. And one of the most enjoyable speeches was from the poised and lovely young Kai Trump, oldest grandchild of President Donald J. Trump.
Upset by all the vicious slanders of her grandfather, she had called her father, Donald Trump, Jr., and asked to be put on the schedule of speakers to talk about what her grandfather meant to her and what kind of a person he really was. She had never before spoken in public. So, hey, why not make your debut performance in front of thousands of people with a few tens of millions more watching at home?
And you should have seen the trouble I had when I was tasked with organizing weekly adult volunteers to come up to the bimah and light the Shabbat candles and say a little one sentence blessing. In front of a couple of hundred people they had known most of their lives!
Kai treated us to a description of a “regular” grandpa who let the grandkids have treats and soda when the parents weren’t looking. Who called her cellphone to see how she was doing and urged her to study. Who golfed with her often and never disrespected her by letting her win, but instead tried to “get inside her head” to throw her off-balance. And she said, “But, I’m a Trump, too.” Perfect. Who wouldn’t have found that speech charming?
Well, one person, evidently. Whoopi Goldberg, lead harridan on The View. It takes a special kind of bitter ugly racist to attack a sweet speech by Kai Trump about her beloved grandpa, DJT. And why was this refreshingly innocent, professionally delivered talk to be called out?
Because, in Whoopi’s words, it “humanized” Trump. And we can’t have that. “Hitler 2.0” actually loved his grandkids? Well, that “optic” will never do. Surely he must have showered with her at least once? Well, no, that was the other guy, the one Whoopi supported. Sad.
The Alinsky Method embraced by the Left says “pick a target. Freeze it. And allow no deviation from the scripted 15 minutes of hate.” But it’s as old as hate itself. The Nazis, of course, used it to great effect in defining the Jews as “vermin,” “sub-human,” and the like. The dehumanizing came first, but the violence followed soon after. One might hope that such evil categorization of groups of humans would now be taboo. But one would be wrong.
Barack Hussein Obama, during his first campaign for the presidency, described the grandmother who raised him and sent the little “choomer” to private school in Hawaii as “a typical white person.” Remember that? Not only would the chattering classes have lost their minds at calling Obama a “typical” black person, but I have rarely met ANYBODY whom I would describe as “typical.” Because people are complicated and amazing creatures who will surprise you at every turn.
Shortly afterwards Obama must have decided that the white working class could easily be written off, so he said this about them: “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them…as a way to explain their frustrations.”
I realize this is very old news, but the attacks continue. It’s therefore useful to revisit the source. So see what he did there? He not only attacked the Second Amendment AND religion, but said that explained WHY religious gun-owners didn’t like “people who aren’t like them.”
It seemed to me at the time that only ONE person was making a sweeping generalization about people “not like him” and it was The Lightbringer Himself who surely hated working people because he had never worked a day in his life. What’s the over-under on whether or not Obama can change a tire?
Usually, in order to stay even close to sane, it’s advisable to just let things go. But sometimes, it’s not the best course. The nonsense on stilts about conservatives “othering” people still rankles. Oh, not because I DON’T cling to God – I don’t know how people who fail to do this get through a day – but because it was meant to mock a very large group of religious Christians and Jews. To hold us up to ridicule. To be embarrassed to be ourselves. And to make others afraid to identify with or join us.
Ah, but not to be outdone, after his wretched eight years of fundamentally transforming our beloved country, his hand-picked successor, Hillary Rodham Clinton, had to go him one better. Hillary just said that all Donald Trump supporters were downright “Deplorable!” Here is how the Internet defines that term: 1. Worthy of severe condemnation or reproach. 2. Lamentable; woeful. 3. Wretched; bad.
Some overpaid political advisor must have assured her that she could write off half of the population and still win. Thank God “they” were wrong. When cooler heads possibly prevailed and had a word with her — Hillary clarified that slander to include only about half of us. Well, okay, then. Boy, I sure hope I am in the right “half” of that basket! Racist, sexist, homophobic – that’s some basket. (And I will go to my grave wondering –- “why a basket?” What the heck?)
Some time later we were smelly Walmart shoppers with bad teeth. An overrated actor lobbed F-bombs at our President to wild applause. A self-described “D-List” comedian had a picture made with herself holding a bloody decapitated head of that President. And “Hitler” became the common descriptor of the realm.
Here’s how Mr. DeNiro KNOWS Donald J. Trump is not Hitler: Mr. DeNiro is still alive. How long do you think anyone would have lived in the Third Reich who appeared in front of a massive circle jerk of mutual award bestowers to yell repeatedly: “—- Hitler!”
Adolf Hitler, quite the comic himself, would surely have enjoyed Kathy Griffin’s hilarious photo op of her holding a beheaded image of The Fuhrer. And yet she lives and breathes and actually BLAMES DJT for her PTSD from the “incident.”
President Trump and his supporters have endured insult after insult, physical attacks, MAGA caps snatched off young children, and now an assassination attempt. All part of dehumanizing him – and us. And now the Sage of Michigan, Michael Moore, has announced his love and support for Kamalalala. He made the following grotesque prediction: “America is a female country. White males will be shown the door in November.”
Oh, please, God, let him be the first through that door – assuming it is a double-wide garage door.
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