Thoughts from the ammo line

Ammo Grrrll declines the invitation to COME FOR THE MAGGOTS IN YOUR FOOD…STAY FOR THE FREE VASECTOMY! She writes:

Who says I can’t still be surprised? For a long time now, the Democrat Party has been the party of creepy degeneracy and absolute hatred of children – except as prey (where IS Anthony Weiner these days?). Ah, there used to be the good old days, when many wretched things were proposed “for the children.” Now they don’t even pretend. Everything they do is for “Gaia” or spoiled, entitled narcissists. But really just for raw power.

But even I was shocked to see that as a come-on to attend the Democrat/Hamas/Antifa Freak Show and Hootenanny, Planned Never-Parenthood was offering free abortions and vasectomies! Throw in Full Frontal Lobotomies and there’s the hat trick of surgical fun!

I would think that about 95 percent of the muscle-free soyboys who identify as Democrat would not need to bother with vasectomies since they are not attractive to women and their level of testosterone would not be expected to sustain reproduction. Either that or their preferred sexual partners are not women anyway, with which I have no issue. But, somebody, walk me through the mindset of a person about to attend a convention.

“Okay, I’ve got my Hate Rag Keffiyeh. I’ve got my football helmet and pretend ‘protest sign’ which is really a sturdy hunk of 2 x 4. I’ve got my rucksack of bricks to throw at cops. I’ve got one change of underwear for five days. No room for deodorant or a toothbrush. I’ve got my Emergency Number of Kamala’s Get Out Of Jail Free Bail Bondsmen. Am I forgetting anything? Oh, for Pete’s sake, I need a nice cooler with some frozen peas for after my FREE vasectomy!”

I would indeed hope that most of the lucky winners of the free vasectomy lottery got their operations AFTER the riots. Who wants to gimp around in a stampede with that bag o’ frozen peas tucked between his legs? (Remember: Riot, THEN snip snip snip — not the other way around. Which puts me in mind of the splendid routine from the late, indescribably great Bob Newhart about Lincoln’s press secretary: “Abe, you were a rail splitter THEN a lawyer. Nobody gives up a successful law practice to become a rail slitter…” RIP, comedy genius.)

And that’s just the fellas! Who in the world were they appealing to with the free abortions?

“Well, let’s see, I’m 7 months pregnant and my boyfriend’s mother is desperate for me to have the baby and she and my boyfriend promise to raise the baby AND pay all my hospital bills. I WAS thinking that I could jack them up for some more money, the later into the term it went, but, hey, I’m tired of lugging this load around anyway. Especially since I found out it was an icky, toxic male baby. I should probably just get rid of it next week at the convention. I’ll be a hero!”

In the last couple of years, interest in and support for procreation has fallen faster than a Super Bowl Halftime star’s wardrobe malfunction. First of all, the degenerates start in grade school to ENCOURAGE little boys to be gay with the help of attractive and fully illustrated how-to books promoting the sex acts available to gay boys. Funny, but I DEFINITELY do not remember any such books in grade school with hints on what goes where with heterosexuality except in the most vague and clinical texts for much older teens. So isn’t that evidence of promoting only ONE form of sexuality — the non-procreative one? Or, to be more accurate, of grooming?

Then, in case the hormones have already kicked in and it is obvious to the young person that she is going to be an enthusiastic heterosexual, her blue-haired, pierced and fluidy teacher may try to sow doubt as to what the adolescent’s “true” gender really is. Now you couldn’t have turned ME with a gun to my head or a million-dollar signing bonus, but not everyone is as resistant to bullying, especially by authority figures, as I was at an early age.

THEN this hypothetical confused young girl may find that several of her best girlfriends also believe that they may be guys or cats or turnips or fluid enough to decide hourly and the social pressure from peers also enters into the equation. And their “guidance” counselor may tell their parents – if, indeed, parents are even brought into it at all – that their young girl could very easily kill herself if she does not get access to the gender-affirming care of a double mastectomy and neutering with the addition of a fake male organ which can never impregnate anyone. Never ever ever.

The sane person would conclude that this could be happening to maybe a few hundred mentally disturbed girls. But the sane person would be mistaken. It is apparently THOUSANDS of young girls and quite a large number of boys as well. Several actresses have the coveted Trans Children. Evidently, adopting African children is so yesterday in those circles.

And the main thing, apart from the millions in profits to Big Sex Change Medicine, is that these mutilations are PERMANENT and forever debilitating, forever in need of ongoing, expensive care, and cause PERMANENT STERILITY.

Again, with the disincentive, nay, inability, to procreate.

Then, of course, it must be mentioned that in the 2-3 generations since Roe v. Wade, the right to kill your own baby – at any time in the pregnancy and for any reason – has become THE single biggest issue for liberal women.

You remember “women,” right? The critters with two X chromosomes that one Supreme Court Justice can’t define. Those caring, nurturing, kinder gentler beings who motivated their fight for the right to vote primarily on the better natures that they would bring to the body politic. Whose #1 bedrock Democrat issue is baby-killing.

Cecile Richards, head honcho for Planned Never-Parenthood for some 12 years, delivered perhaps the most grotesque single line of the convention: “With abortion, women are unstoppable.” Quoi? So once you’ve cleared that messy moral hurdle of killing viable babies, women can march confidently forward to kill older children and adults? I say STOP THEM.

By the way, Ms. Richards has been diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer. Unlike the awful leftists who cheered cancer in Laura Ingraham and Rush, I will NEVER root for cancer. Funny, I thought Biden had cured it as he promised several years ago, but I wish Ms. Richards a long and happy life with her kids who lucked out and were allowed to be born.

Many societies – not only ours – have made both higher education and housing so expensive that it takes two full-time incomes to make a decent middle-class life. So even sane married couples limit themselves to one or two children – not even replacement numbers societally. Fiddle dee dee – we’ll think about that tomorrow, right?

And so one of the two major political parties rolled out a Welcome Wagon to offer sterility and pregnancy termination as an incentive to attend. No thanks. You already had me at Death to Israel, Death to America, and Let Trans Boxers Beat Up Women. What a time to be alive!

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