America’s Most Effective Conservative Activist?

That is what many people are calling Chris Rufo. After all, getting Harvard’s president fired is no mean accomplishment. And Rufo has many more successes to his credit, including being appointed by Governor Ron DeSantis to the Board of Trustees of New College, formerly a small, failing liberal arts college, now being remade–as one trustee put it–as the “Hillsdale of the South.”

So Rufo is worth keeping your eye on. He is going to be the keynote speaker at American Experiment’s Fall Briefing on September 28. In that capacity, I interviewed Chris for a podcast that will be edited into a Q and A in the October issue of Thinking Minnesota. These clips are from that podcast. They give you a sense of Rufo’s philosophy and his methods:

Here is my whole podcast interview with Chris Rufo:

Go here for tickets to the Fall Briefing on September 28.

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