2024, CRB style

Our friends at the Claremont Review of Books have released three articles on the 2024 election from the forthcoming issue. In the first of the three CRB editor Charles Kesler takes up “America’s red shift.” Subhead: “Now who’s on the wrong side of history?” Charles is Dengler-Dykema Distinguished Professor of Government at Claremont-McKenna College. He brings his professional expertise to bear on the election in this article.

Bill Voegeli and Chris Caldwell are my two favorite CRB essayists. Voegeli expounds on “All the president’s mental lapses.” Subhead: “Democracy dies in deception.” Caldwell comes at the Trump phenomenon from a characteristically distinctive angle: “Speaking Trumpian.” Subhead: “Persuasion in a post-oratorical age.”

The long holiday weekend gives readers the time to take these all in. They are all worth your time and all highly recommended (by me).

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