A New Era In Civil Rights

Donald Trump has made some excellent appointments, but perhaps none will make more liberal heads explode than his nomination of Harmeet Dhillon to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice.

Dhillon is an inspired pick. The Civil Rights Division has long been a partisan enclave that sees its mission as advancing Democratic Party priorities. In fact there are quite a few civil rights, but the Democrats only want to talk about one or two of them, and those only from a single perspective. Think what horror this Trump tweet must have inspired. And Dhillon’s response, too:

To which the Democrats say: we didn’t mean those rights!

Harmeet is respected both as an aggressive activist and as a top-notch lawyer. It will be interesting to see what effect her appointment has on the Division. My guess is that there will be quite a few resignations–a consummation devoutly to be wished. Libs who can’t stand to work under Dhillon can be replaced with lawyers whose priority is civil rights, not Democratic Party agendas.

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