The Daily Chart: Be Like Idaho

One of the top priorities for the next Trump Administration is rolling back regulation. Trump enjoyed some success with this task in his first administration, but the Biden Administration has been the most regulation-happy administration in the last 50 years:

And here’s the growth in the Code of Federal Regulations, highlighting that the total number even increased during the anti-regulation Reagan presidency:

One model for how much de-regulation is possible in modern America comes from Idaho, as explained recently in the Wall Street Journal by James Broughel of the Competitive Enterprise Institute:

Idaho has proved deregulation is possible. The state repealed and revised its administrative rules code through a sunset review process in 2019. The results were dramatic. Since then, 95% of state regulations have been eliminated or simplified. The sky didn’t fall. Most regulations, when subject to genuine scrutiny, fail to justify their existence.

The federal government should learn from Idaho’s success.

Here’s the graphic proof:

Chaser—Trump and Congress should go after the tax code next:

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