Communism lives

Yesterday Yoram Hazony recommended Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II. It is a mind-boggling book that hasn’t received the recognition it is due. On the publication date of the book in 2021 we posted his backgrounder “The story behind Stalin’s War.”

Professor McMeekin is Francis Flournoy Professor of European History and Culture at Bard College. He is an academic historian of a different stripe. All his books are worth reading.

One of the responses to Hazony’s post led me to the interview with Professor McMeekin below. He is the author, most recently, of To Overthrow the World: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Communism, reviewed here by Ian Ona Johnson in the current issue of the Claremont Review of Books. Professor McMeekin wrote “Communism lives” for us in connection with his new book. The interview takes up the subject of his new book in this intensely interesting discussion.

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