The Star Tribune posted an utterly unilluminating story on the DFL shenanigans at 8:26 this morning. The Star Tribune didn’t even get a quote from Judge Kevin Burke. Surely he could have shed some light on what they all thought they were doing.
The lack of illumination may be unintentional. However, with former Walz DEED commissioner Steve Grove at the top, the Star Tribune is the house organ of the DFL. You therefore know the story comports with the party line in any event.
Rep. Walter Hudson’s analysis rules. But wait! There’s more. The sagacious Ms. Kathryn Hinderaker don’t need no Judge Kevin Burke.
AND THIS JUST IN: House Speaker Designate Lisa Demuth and Majority Leader Harry Niska have posted their excellent letter responding to Minnesota Secretary of State Steve Simon’s efforts to abet the DFL shenanigans.
Extremely proud to announce my dog, Arthur, just swore me in as God of Minnesota. Deportations of liberals begin tomorrow morning.
— Kathryn Hinderaker (@KathrynHindy) January 13, 2025
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