Mum’s the word, not Muhm

Center of the American Experiment’s Bill Glahn frequently comments that Minnesota produces more news than can be consumed locally. Such is the case with the coup’s next story of Minnesota Democrats and the boycott by DFL representatives of the current state House session that commenced on January 14. The link is to John’s column in today’s New York Post.

Such is also the case with the disruption of Tuesday’s House committee hearing by one Amber Muhm of the Aliveness Project expressing his, her, or their support for the boycott with his, her, or their limited vocabulary. We posted the 20-minute video taken by state Rep. Walter Hudson yesterday morning in “Knuckleheads at work.” Jesse Watters picked it up and broadcast a clip on his Fox News show last night.

Readers who get their news from the Star Tribune might have been surprised to discover the story on Fox News. As Rep. Hudson observes, it’s a newsworthy story. At the Star Tribune, however, mum’s the word — not Muhm.

I’m on the board of Alpha News and proud that it is doing the work that the Star Tribune won’t do. That’s our niche. In the X post above Rep. Hudson refers to Haley Feland’s excellent story “‘Group of thugs’: Left-wing protesters attempt to shut down House committee meeting.”

Haley’s story is is supplemented by numerous X posts that are embedded in it. As Elon Musk likes to say of X, “we are the media now” and “you are the media now.” That’s Rep. Hudson. That’s Alpha News.

Elon adds: “The legacy media is pure propaganda.” That’s the Star Tribune.

I would also like to credit our own coverage on Power Line as well as Bill Glahn’s daily coverage at the Center of the American Experiment site. Bill’s “Crisis Day 9” post covered Tuesday’s circus. The Center’s David Zimmer also covered it in “Menagerie of misfits disrupts Minnesota House Public Safety Committee hearing.” We are all doing the work that the Star Tribune won’t do. We are all the media now.

Twin Cities News Talk’s Jon Justice is in a class of his own covering the story on his daily morning radio show at 1130 AM and 103.5 FM. With a little help from Rep. Hudson, Jon has lucidly covered this story. It is a story tangled up in lies that complicate the telling.

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