Speaker Johnson’s testimony

Last week Free Press founder/editor Bari Weiss interviewed House Speaker Mike Johnson for her Honestly podcast. In the clip below, Johnson testifies to his observation of the mental incompetence of “President Biden.” John draws on the New York Post story reporting Johnson’s testimony in his post “It isn’t funny.” Eli Lake posted the video and reported on it in his Free Press story here.

At his Racket News site Matt Taibbi has just posted his 5,000 word column “Goodbye to Joe Biden, and Whoever Was President the Last Four Years” (subscribers only). This column all is worth the $5.00 monthly charge all by itself.

There is much more to come, of course, and it will be coming soon. As the evidence accumulates, however, the question arises — what is to be done?

Biden will shuffle off the stage for deposit back at his Rehoboth Beach mansion where he has already spent so much of his dotage. At the least we can seek to identify and shame every White House staffer, politician, “scholar,” and “journalist” who covered for Biden’s incompetence until the plug was pulled on his absurd reelection campaign. Taibbi makes a contribution on that score, but it’s only a start.

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