The Week in Pictures: 100 Hours That Shook the World

The time has come when someone can write a sequel to John Reed’s famous book about the Bolshevik Revolution, Ten Days That Shook the World. The title is obvious: 100 Hours That Shook the World. I could include a longish subtitle, as is the fashion these days with trade book publishing. I suggest: “How Donald Trump Broke Five Decades of Leftist Drift, Crushed the Democratic Party, and Drove Liberals Out of What Little of Their Minds They Had in the First Place.” Strap in and pour yourself a deep mug: this week’s edition is another long epic.

This is a real picture.


Headlines of the week:

The Bulwark never disappoints. . .

Imagine the head-exploding potential. . .

Just now they are figuring this out?


And finally. . .

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