Classic Dem projection

We have grown accustomed to Democrat defamation of Republicans with accusations that represent pure projection. Chuck Schumer is a master of the art. His act is built on it. He draws on it whenever he talks about Trump or Republicans.

Minnesota Democrats don’t need to take their cue from Schumer in the projection department. They have Tim Walz to guide them. They also have Melissa Hortman, the leader of the Democrats in the Minnesota House.

Confronting a 67-66 Republican majority, Hortman has staged a Democrat strike to prevent the Republicans from fielding a quorum of 68 as defined by the Minnesota Supreme Court. The all-Democrat Minnesota Supreme Court has lent the striking House Democrats a crucial assist.

The legislative session commenced on January 14. Republicans have turned up every day for work. Hortman and the Democrats are otherwise engaged. They collect their pay while pretending to do their jobs. The pay is real while the pretense is transparent. In her latest salvo, Hortman seems to allege that Republicans have gone on strike and are locking Democrats out (video below).

In reality, as I say, Republicans have turned up every day for work. The Democrats are on a strike that effectively locks the Republicans out by precluding them from conducting House business. This is pure projection. It inverts the truth. The Democrats intend to stay on strike until a special election is held to fill the seat that is vacant as a result of their own candidate’s fraud.

If repetition is the key to good communication, Republicans must be doing okay. The message is simple and truthful. Republican leaders Lisa Demuth and Harry Niska repeatedly ask the Democrats to turn up for work. Democrats demand that Republicans give up something substantive in exchange for Democrats doing their jobs. That’s what the Democrats want to talk about.

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