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Riding Abortion to Victory
The Dobbs decision upended last November’s election. Democrats successfully rallied their pro-abortion core and apparently convinced a lot of swing voters to turn out in favor of abortion. In Minnesota, where I live, abortion was the decisive issue that allowed the Democrats to sweep the Minnesota House, the Minnesota Senate (by a single vote) and the governorship. Democrats apparently think there are more victories to be won by promoting unrestricted »
A Dobbs leak footnote
I read the documents released by the Supreme Court in its investigation of the Dobbs leak as soon as they were posted on the Court’s site Thursday afternoon. They are posted here. Giving the Marshal’s 20-page report on the investigation a close reading several times over, I commented on it in “Dobbs leaker still at large.” I raised the question whether the justices had been interviewed in the course of »
Dobbs leaker at large
The Supreme Court announced this afternoon that the leaker of the Dobbs draft opinion remains at large. That is unfortunate for many reasons, including the damage done to the Court as an institution and the physical danger to which the leak subjected the justices supporting the draft opinion. It’s also unfortunate that the Biden administration appeared not to give a rip. I gleaned from one of the stories on the »
It Could Have Been Worse
Just kidding. Out of the range of possible outcomes, what we saw last night was about as bad as it could be. The GOP’s failure to make progress stunned everyone, not least the Democrats. What happened? * Fantasy vs. Reality. It turns out that there are a great many voters who don’t care much about what traditionally have been considered decisive issues: inflation, crime, illegal immigration, lousy schools, etc. Many »
Ramirez’s take
I expended something like 1,000 words yesterday trying to highlight the Democrats’ use of abortion in this year’s elections. I would say “coming elections,” but early voting has already commenced around the country. As for abortion, Democrats long ago took it up as a positive good. In the elections now it’s just about all they have to talk about. In yesterday’s editorial cartoon Michael Ramirez gave us the proverbial picture »
Kamala makes a house kall
Kamala kame to town yesterday to shore up support for sagging DFL candidates. In Minnesota, abortion remains a right protected by our state constitution. In case you hadn’t heard, however, Democrats believe in abortion. It is something of a positive good. Kamala came to town to talk up abortion. What else? The White House has posted the transcript of Kamala’s konversation at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul under the »
Stacey Abrams explains
Stacey Abrams represents the beating heart of the Democratic Party. Pressed on the relative salience of abortion and inflation, Abrams explains: “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs. For women this is not a reductive issue.” Showing the advantages of a sophisticated vocabulary, Abrams aptly expresses her point. Let us not “reduce” abortion to an issue of »
Biden’s closing moves
We are within three weeks of the midterm elections. Democrats’ control of the White House leaves them in a good position to mitigate anticipated losses by taking action to affect the political environment. President Biden’s handlers seem to me not to have chosen well so far. The Biden economy inflicts pain on a daily basis. What have they got for that? They served up the Inflation Reduction Act. In other »
A conspiracy so immense
We had doubts about the efficacy of the reality principle working its will on Stacey Abrams in connection with her refusal to concede her 2018 loss to Brian Kemp. Running against Kemp again this year, she is drowning in the sea of her own self-love. Working a new angle on the Democrats’ devotion to the sacrament of abortion, Abrams spoke at the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center in Atlanta yesterday. »
Who was that masked woman?
John posted a video clip of Kamala Harris doing her thing yesterday in “These people are crazy.” Like John, I was mystified by Harris’s description of her attire in addition to her recitation of personal pronouns. Searching (so far unsuccessfully) for the White House text of President Biden’s unblinking remarks to the NOBLE group yesterday, I came across the text of Harris’s remarks here. Harris was observing the anniversary of »
How Nice Can You Get?
Most Minnesotans are relentlessly normal, but for some reason we have a habit of electing wacky politicians. A current example is our lieutenant governor, Peggy Flanagan. Flanagan is perhaps even more far-left than Governor Tim Walz, and she also adds a twist of the bizarre. As in this tweet: Minnesotans are good neighbors. We'll bring you a hotdish when you move into a new neighborhood. We'll shovel your driveway when »
On Dobbs leak, the Court is silent
The status of the investigation ordered by Chief Justice Roberts following the leak of Justice Alito’s Dobbs opinion to Politico remains shrouded in mystery. The AP reports that the Supreme Court is resting on its right to remain silent: The Supreme Court won’t say whether it’s still investigating. The court also won’t say whether the leaker has been identified or whether anyone has been disciplined. Or whether an outside law »
Full Circle for Feminism?
Herewith my favorite reaction so far to the Dobbs decision, though it presents a problem. This Tweet, discovered second-hand (so I can’t check out the source since the name is blacked out), is either a very droll troll, or . . . feminists have suddenly rediscovered something called “marriage.” Which we have been told for nigh on two generations now was some kind of oppressive prison. Heh. CHASER—Another case—this a »
Conflict of laws, trans edition
The late Herbert Stein was the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Nixon and the author of Stein’s Law: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” I wonder if Stein’s Law applies to the madness that has overtaken the Democratic Party, the party’s media adjunct, the United States military, and just about every major American institution. Stein’s Law seems to be running up against (John) »
Story of 10-Year-Old Rape Victim Crumbles [Updated]
It seems increasingly clear that the tale of the 10-year-old Ohio rape victim who had to travel across the border to Indiana for an abortion is fiction, notwithstanding its retelling by Joe Biden. Ohio’s Attorney General now comes forward to say that there is no evidence of such a rape–punishable by life imprisonment in Ohio–being committed. Yost also apparently said that it would be legal for a 10-year-old rape victim »
Journalism, Then and Now
We wrote here and here about the story of a 10-year-old rape victim in Ohio who had to travel to Indiana to terminate her presidency pregnancy. No one has been able to verify the tale, and at this point it seems pretty clear that it was made up by an abortionist who spends much of her time lobbying the press in favor of abortion. Megan Fox has done the work »
The Morton’s backlash
I expressed admiration for Morton’s statement condemning the harassment of Justice Kavanaugh at the steakhouse chain’s downtown D.C. restaurant on Wednesday evening. Politico Playbook had sought and published Morton’s statement (quoted in the linked post) in its account of the events. Morton’s must of course be punished for speaking up on behalf of its customers (and its business). I observed that the Playbookers seemed to think the whole thing was »