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Bill Clinton
“You Joe?”
The Harris campaign dispatched President Clinton to stump for the Democratic ticket in Georgia. As in days of old, Clinton visited a local McDonald’s. In a career full of ups and downs, Clinton must have hit a new low here. The cashier mistook him for President Biden. Ouch! BREAKING: Bull Clinton is at a McDonalds in Georgia encouraging voters to support Kamala Harris. It’s all hands on deck in the »
Thought for the Day: Bill Clinton on Hamas
You know things are bad when Bill Clinton is the voice of moral clarity in the Democratic Party. Here’s what he said in 2016: “I killed myself to give the Palestinians a state. I had a deal they turned down that would have given them all of Gaza… between 96%-97% of the West Bank, compensating land in Israel, you name it.” “Hamas is really smart. When they decide to rocket »
How Nixon Advised Clinton
A remarkably interesting letter (“Eyes Only”) that Richard Nixon sent to then-President Bill Clinton in March 1994, after Nixon returned from a trip to Russia and Ukraine, has been declassified and made public. Luke Nichter writes about Nixon’s letter in the Wall Street Journal: Nixon anticipated a more belligerent Russia, the rise of someone like Vladimir Putin, and worsening relations between Moscow and Kyiv. Nixon emphasized the importance of Ukraine, »
The truth about the Biden family business is becoming too big to hide
At a Jan. 26, 1998 White House event, with wife Hillary by his side, then-President Bill Clinton wagged his finger at reporters and said, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” If not for the stains on Monica Lewinsky’s infamous “blue dress,” he would have been happy to leave it at that. But called upon to provide a blood sample for DNA testing that summer, Clinton »
Ken Starr dies at 76
Judge Kenneth Starr has died today at the age of 76. I have to borrow from Jake Bleiberg’s AP obituary: At age 37, he became the youngest person ever to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where Chief Justice John Roberts and justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia also had served. From 1989-93, Starr was the solicitor general in the »
Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill . . . Wait, What?
Look, these frothy conspiracy theories about the Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein, the Mena Airport in the 1980s, Vince Foster, etc., etc., have had a longer half-life that a melted-down Russian nuclear reactor, and make for many comic memes on TWiP, and in any case, such purported conspiracies violate Hayward’s First Law of Implausible Conspiracies, which runs as follows: Cp=1/[t(N*K)2] where Cp represents the probability of an actual conspiracy as the reciprocal »
Clinton’s new thriller
Bill Clinton has lent his name to the hired hands grinding away in the factory Jonathan Mahler dubbed James Patterson Inc. The factory’s newest production is The President’s Daughter, logging in at 608 pages (and 136 chapters). The publisher touts a quote from the New York Times review by Sarah Lyall: “This novel offers tantalizing clues into the unconscious of Clinton…” Even if life weren’t short, that would probably be »
Joe Biden’s racist civil rights nominee, Part Four
In 1993, President Clinton nominated Lani Guinier to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. Guinier was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania law school (she later moved on to Harvard), and a friend of the Clintons going back to their law school days. She had attended their wedding. However, Guinier’s nomination led to scrutiny of her scholarly work and that scrutiny led to charges that she was too »
Gerald Baliles, RIP
Gerald Baliles, the former governor of Virginia, died yesterday. Baliles was a fairly moderate Democrat, and certainly a moderate by today’s standards. He served as governor for four years in the late 1980s. Baliles was popular enough, I believe, to have been reelected, but was limited by law to just one term. After his time as governor, Baliles joined the law firm I was with. This enabled me to observe, »
The Babylon Bee Is Worried
Jeffrey Epstein’s puzzling end has some people on edge, including the editors of the Babylon Bee. So the Bee has issued a public statement: “We Would Like To State For The Record That Hillary Clinton Is An Upstanding Citizen And A Fine Human Being.” Heh. A note from the editorial board at The Babylon Bee: A number of people have questioned our love for Hillary Clinton based on some satirical »
Bill Clinton is a bitter old man
Bill Clinton has blasted Brett Kavanaugh for his role in investigating the death of Vince Foster, the Clintonista who came to Washington as deputy White House counsel and ended up taking his own life. Clinton launched his attack on Sunday in Las Vegas during an event billed as “An Evening with the Clintons.” Clinton took the position that Kavanaugh deserved to be hit with unsubstantiated allegations of sexual assault because »
Former Ken Starr aide gets it wildly wrong
Paul Rosenzweig served as a senior counsel to Ken Starr during the investigations of President Bill Clinton. Rosenzweig claims that President Trump’s attempts to obstruct justice are “blunter by a thousandfold” than anything Clinton did, and more than justify the House Judiciary Committee opening impeachment proceedings. “A thousandfold.” By how many fold would Trump’s alleged attempts at obstruction be blunter than Clinton’s if Trump had perjured himself before a grand »
The Mueller Report and the Starr Report: Compare and contrast
In his long-awaited report, special counsel Robert Mueller found that the evidence failed to establish “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia. In addition, he did not find that President Trump committed obstruction of justice, the only other offense discussed in the report. By contrast, independent counsel Kenneth Starr, in his 1998 report, established that President Clinton perjured himself during a civil deposition, conspired to obstruct justice, violated criminal prohibitions »
Report: Alex Acosta gave notorious pedophile “the deal of a lifetime”
In his time as Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta has done much to accommodate liberals and little implement a conservative agenda. His inaction has attracted little criticism — virtually none unless you count the occasional posts about I have written for Power Line. To make matters worse, President Trump, although he has attacked other cabinet members — especially Jeff Sessions and Kirstjen Nielsen — has had nothing but public praise »
Paula Jones, Reconsidered
The New York Times reviews A&E’s “The Clinton Affair” sympathetically. Of course, the Times being the Times, the perspective is often myopic. “The Clinton Affair,” A&E’s six-part mini-series on the scandals of Bill Clinton’s presidency, lacks a point of view. It is straightforward in style and evenhanded in tone. Strangely, this recommends it. Strangely. But this observation is astute: Lewinsky has always been cast as the central female character of »