Health Care

Violence and the Left

Featured image On the left, everything is violent except violence. We see this often in the context of speech, but Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez extended the universe of violence to include denial of health insurance coverage: “This is not to say that an act of violence is justified, but I think for anyone who is confused or shocked or appalled, they need to understand that people interpret and feel and experience denied claims as »

White Coat Larceny Turns 20

Featured image “71 will support research to find cures for diseases that affect millions of people, including cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Please support the effort to find cures. .  . It could save the life of someone you love.” That was actor Michael J. Fox in an ad for Proposition 71, the Stem Cell Research Initiative, also supported by Christopher Reeve and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose father-in-law Sargent Shriver was afflicted »

Canada Extends the Victorian Age

Featured image On April 17, 2016, my mother Victoria Billingsley passed away at the age of 94. Today (April 17, 2024) she received a letter from Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare about “the recent cyber incident affecting local hospitals in the Southwest Ontario region,” including approximately 46,000 patients of Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare. As the letter explains: We can confirm that, unfortunately, you were included in this group and some of the personal health information »

“The NHS is killing us”

Featured image Britain’s National Health Service is the great symbol of that nation’s leftward turn following World War II. Historically, it has enjoyed broad popularity, even as the quality of health care actually delivered has fallen lower and lower. But now, the NHS has reached such a crisis that a return to private health care seems inevitable if not imminent. In the Telegraph, Allison Pearson writes: “The NHS is killing us – »

So Wise in the Ways of Science?

Featured image As Steve notes, a Canadian social scientist is out with “a paper that finds job applicants who include non-binary pronouns (like “they/them”) on their resumes get fewer call backs than normal people.” That is hard to top, but consider COVID Vaccine Hesitancy and Risk of a Traffic Crash, published by the American Journal of Medicine but authored by a trio in Canada. As Sir Bedivere (Terry Jones) might say, who are these »

Fauci Previews His Defense

Featured image In testimony before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Wednesday, former Centers for Disease Control and Protection Director Robert Redfield confirmed that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases had deliberately tried to shut down debate about the lab leak theory. Lawmakers focused on a Jan. 31, 2020, email from Scripps Research Institute virologist Dr. Kristian Andersen to Fauci in which »

Annals of Government Medicine

Featured image Britain’s National Health Service is a product of the socialist wave that overtook the U.K. following World War II. It has long been held up as an exemplar by those who seek to impose socialized medicine in other countries, like ours. But today, the state of the NHS is dire. The Wall Street Journal headlines: “The U.K.’s Government-Run Healthcare Service Is in Crisis.” Now the state-funded service is falling apart. »

Physicians—Heal Thyself, Fast

Featured image Dr. John Calhoon, the outgoing president of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, posted the slide immediately below as part of his farewell remarks. See if you can spot anything wrong with it: Of course you know what happened next: Dr. Calhoon was called out for his “hurtful” remarks by the STS’s new president and board of directors. You’d almost think the STS board had confused Dr. John Calhoon with John »

Is It All in Your Head?

Featured image Having hosted Troy Senik on the mid-week podcast, I’m now back to checking on his Kite and Key Media offerings more regularly. Their latest offering, below, explores a subject that has tended to be ignored or dismissed by our public health and social policy establishment, because it runs counter to the imperatives of liberalism to embrace every possible “crisis” no matter the evidence: Mass Psychogenic Illness. The problem is likely »

Case Study in Leftist Ideology Path Dependence

Featured image Cast your mind back to the early 1980s for a moment, and the early innings of the AIDS epidemic. It was widely understood that AIDS was predominantly spread through high-risk or unprotected homosexual contact, and public health authorities, even in San Francisco, initially said that gay bathhouses that were venues for casual and largely unprotected sexual encounters should be closed down. In those days, however, the ethic of “liberation” and »

Annals of Government Dentistry

Featured image Socialized medicine has long been a chief goal of the Democratic Party, but it is hard to understand why anyone would voluntarily entrust his family’s health care to the tender mercies of any government, even the most benign. We have tracked the United Kingdom’s experience with socialized medicine in our “Annals of Government Medicine” series, and I wrote here about the current crisis in British dentistry: nine out of ten »

The COVID Ratchet Shows Up

Featured image As the COVID pandemic unfolded in 2020, I predicted that before it was over, we’d surely hear calls for a cabinet level “Department of Pandemic Planning” or some other equivalent of the Department of Homeland Security that we set up in the aftermath of 9/11 to “coordinate” government agency activity at all levels of government. That prediction has moved a step closer to fulfillment. From the New York Times today: »

The Science! of Infant Formula

Featured image In the nick of time, the science of infant nutrition has evolved. It is hard not to sympathize with this tweeter’s take: Behold, The Science! It's amazing that @AmerAcadPeds is so flexible with The Science when a Democrat is president. — NYC Angry Mom (@angrybklynmom) May 19, 2022 This article has the background, with pros and cons about feeding cow’s milk to infants. The obvious question is, if the 12-month »

Fox News Starts New Satire Site?

Featured image So I pull up Fox News to find an opinion article titled, “It’s Time for Medicare for All.” And I notice the byline of the purported author: “Sen. Bernie Sanders.” To be sure, the article that follows does sound quite a lot like the real Bernie Sanders, the Socialist Democrat from Vermont. But it’s hard to imagine the real Bernie Sanders willingly appearing at Fox News. Though it is hard »

The Great Baby Formula Shortage

Featured image Two years ago it was toilet paper, now it is baby formula–a much more serious shortage. I am tuned in to it in part because one of my daughters is the mother of eight-month-old twins and has had a hard time finding formula. What is going on here? My colleague John Phelan looks at the issue and concludes that the culprits are shutdowns and the FDA: What is going on? »

Biden Racializes Health Care

Featured image Hans Bader at Liberty Unyielding discloses a sickening story from the Biden administration: it is now introducing race into our health care system: [T]he Biden administration is now giving doctors a financial incentive to blame “differences in health outcomes” on “systemic racism” against minorities, and to adopt “value statements” that treat race as a “political” rather than “physiological” reality, even though some health conditions (like sickle-cell anemia and Tay-Sachs disease) »

The lies of Joe Biden

Featured image Last night, Joe Biden lied about a range of issues. NRO identifies three of Biden’s deceptions. Phillip Klein exposes Biden’s falsehood regarding health care. Biden claimed that giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prices for prescription drugs will “strengthen the Affordable Care Act – expand Medicare coverage and benefits – without costing taxpayers one additional penny.” Nonsense. Klein points out that the Congressional Budget Office has twice concluded that »