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Hillary Clinton
Interfering In Another Country’s Politics
In 2016 Russia “interfered” in our presidential election by buying a pathetically small number of Facebook ads on behalf of, or in opposition to, various candidates. We have never heard the end of it. Such interference by a foreign power is a threat to “our democracy,” we are told. But for some reason, American liberals have no compunction about interfering in Israeli politics. Our Democratic Party is overtly aligned with »
Beware Clinton’s Deprogram Program
Hillary Clinton recently branded Trump supporters “cult extremists” and proclaimed that “at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” To disregard this announcement would be a serious mistake, and there’s a back story here. In 2016, Hillary Clinton proclaimed that Donald Trump would be a “puppet” for Vladimir Putin. “You continue to get help from him,” Clinton said, “because he has »
Hillary Clinton Goes With the Pho
Hillary Clinton recently told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that supporters of Donald Trump were “cult extremists” and “at some point, you know, maybe there needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members.” (See video below.) In its report on the exchange, Fox News recalled Clinton’s statement that Trump supporters were a “basket of deplorables. . . They’re racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, you name it.” If the deplorables wonder »
Hillary Can’t Let Go
Hillary Clinton was at the State Department yesterday for the unveiling of her official portrait as Secretary of State. She was ungracious as usual: Returning to the State Department for the unveiling of her official portrait, Mrs Clinton also used the occasion to display distaste for the policies of Donald Trump, the Republican former president, who defeated her in the 2016 United States presidential election. Mrs Clinton, the former US »
Pollster: Trump is ‘stronger today than he’s ever been’
In a Tuesday interview with conservative podcaster Charlie Kirk, Big Data pollster Rich Baris claimed that support for former President Donald Trump is stronger today than in either 2016 or 2020. He also believes the 2024 election will be a “total disaster for the Democrats.” From his lips to God’s ears. Here’s some of what Baris had to say: It’s just not 2020. It’s not 2016. They are just totally »
Peter Schweizer speaks of corruption
I wrote to Peter Schweizer to ask him for his comment on the New York Times story by Adam Goldman that I discuss in the adjacent post. Peter points out “a couple of things”: 1. The FBI’s investigation of the Clintons was hamstrung by senior FBI leadership which limited their ability to investigation allegations that went far beyond just what was in my book. As the Wall Street Journal confirmed »
Speaking of corruption
Adam Goldman was part of a team of New York Times journalists that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for national reporting on the Russia hoax. Goldman and his Times colleagues promoted the hoax. They and their sources seemed not to notice that the Steele Dossier was a farce on its face and the FBI’s Russia collusion investigation something worse. The Times was itself a key player in the hoax. »
Hillary’s Tinfoil Hat
We know Hillary Clinton claimed that Donald Trump was an “illegitimate president” after her pathetic loss in 2016, but she’s also gone full-Trump in promoting “election steal” narratives. I missed this bit from Hillary Clinton back in late October, talking of a “right wing plot to steal the 2024 election.” Take in her full bug-eyed rant in the first sixty seconds of this video from people at The Hill: Meanwhile, »
Hillary’s Paranoid Delusion
I was on Sky News television in Australia a few minutes ago, and one of the things we talked about was Hillary Clinton’s latest outburst: “Right-wing extremists” have a plan already in place to “literally steal the next presidential election, and they’re not making a secret of it,” Hillary Clinton says in a video recently posted to Twitter. In the video, posted by the progressive group Indivisible, the former first »
Hillary 2024?
Dick Morris says that Hillary Clinton is preparing for another presidential run in 2024: Morris, a former aide to President Bill Clinton, said Hillary is setting herself up to enter the race as a “moderate” choice for Democrats in two years for what would be her third shot at the White House. “I see more and more signs that Hillary’s going to run,” Morris told John Catsimatidis on his WABC »
Ken Starr dies at 76
Judge Kenneth Starr has died today at the age of 76. I have to borrow from Jake Bleiberg’s AP obituary: At age 37, he became the youngest person ever to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where Chief Justice John Roberts and justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia also had served. From 1989-93, Starr was the solicitor general in the »
Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill . . . Wait, What?
Look, these frothy conspiracy theories about the Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein, the Mena Airport in the 1980s, Vince Foster, etc., etc., have had a longer half-life that a melted-down Russian nuclear reactor, and make for many comic memes on TWiP, and in any case, such purported conspiracies violate Hayward’s First Law of Implausible Conspiracies, which runs as follows: Cp=1/[t(N*K)2] where Cp represents the probability of an actual conspiracy as the reciprocal »
Security and Double Standards
Our moral betters have instructed us that to point out double standards of liberalism when it comes to Donald Trump is “whataboutism,” and therefore somehow illegitimate. Whatever. How dare anyone suggest that anything was amiss in the government’s treatment of Hillary Clinton’s private email server and willful destruction of documents and devices. At least we can have some fun with this. My newest hero on Twitter is someone called Socialist »
The Answer for Democrats Is . . . No, No Way!
It is not news that Democrats are in deep trouble in the upcoming midterm election, and the 2024 election doesn’t look too promising either. With the obvious disabilities of (P)resident Biden, and the obvious unfitness of Kamala Harris to succeed him, and the angst after the Dobbs decision, Democrats are looking around for a plausible Plan B. And there are Democrats who think the answer to their 2024 problems is »
Hillary Did It!
In the ongoing Sussman trial, campaign manager Robby Mook testified that Hillary Clinton personally approved spreading the lie about Donald Trump and Alfa Bank. This has been treated by some as a revelation. Jonathan Turley, for one, finds it significant: Clinton personally approved the plan to spread the false Alfa bank story. It was one of the most successful disinformation campaigns in American politics, and Mook implicated Clinton as green-lighting »
Watergate in the balance
With perfect timing Christopher Caldwell reviews what we have learned about Watergate in the past 50 years. Caldwell’s First Things essay is titled “Regime change, American style.” The occasion of Caldwell’s essay is the publication of Garrett Graff’s Watergate: A New History. Caldwell’s essay usefully reminds us that, 50 years later, we still have no idea what the Watergate burglars were looking for. Whatever it was, however, they came away »
Nervous in the Clinton service
Whether or not justice is ever rendered in the Russia hoax perpetrated by the Democratic Party, the Clinton campaign, the Perkins Coie law firm, Fusion GPS, Rodney Joffe, Christopher Steele, and others, there is more to be learned. As Special Counsel John Durham approaches the trial of former Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussman next month, they are getting nervous in the Clinton service. So nervous that everyone who can is »