Hurricane Helene

Can’t Anyone Here Play This Game?

Featured image That was Casey Stengel’s famous evaluation of his 1962 Mets team, which lost more games than any major league team until the White Sox bested their record this year. But Casey’s lament could equally well be applied to our federal government. Are all of our agencies incompetent? Is there any federal operation, the most lavishly funded in world history, that can actually get anything done? It doesn’t seem so. I »

That Was Then, This Is Now

Featured image In Memories of Hurricane Katrina, I contrasted press coverage and Democratic Party hysteria over Hurricane Katrina, which effectively destroyed George W. Bush’s second term and contributed to the Democrats’ 2006 election victories, with the muted (if not altogether silent) reaction to Hurricane Helene and the vastly more problematic governmental response thereto. It is a theme worth returning to. On CNN, Scott Jennings makes the point effectively: Joe Biden was at »