Loose Ends
December 26, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• Here’s one of the easiest predictions to make ever: Whereas many presidents who leave office with low approval ratings or poor reputation among scholars often see their reputations and popularity rise years later as historians offer revisions and as more inside details come out (think of Truman, Eisenhower, both Bushes, and even Nixon to some extent), Joe Biden’s reputation has nowhere to go but down further once the details
December 3, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• The clearest sign that wokeness is over will be when the Washington Commanders NFL football team (“Commanders”—perfect name for the team located within the beating heart of the administrative state, no?) changers their name back to “Redskins.” There are some news stories suggesting this may be under consideration. Hopefully Cleveland will restore “Indians” to their MLB team, too. • Given that over 60 percent of native Americans voted for
November 19, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• It’s like The Swamp wants me to support Matt Gaetz for AG: To borrow Churchill’s phrase from 1945, the problem with our government today is that “our civil servants are no longer civil and no longer servants.” • Before the election I predicted that if Trump won it would cause a crisis on the left and inside the Democratic Party, and the signs are all around us that leftists
October 22, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• This never gets old: The Left: Trump is a threat to the Constitution! Also the Left: • The Telegraph today says that “burgerism is the new birtherism” and that “Quarter Pounders are the new Swift boats.” I’m lovin’ it! From a reader: • Feel the Joy: • How can you tell the Harris campaign is getting desperate? When they take their previous racial pandering program, cross out “Black”, and substitute
October 9, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• The most amazing detail to emerge about the meltdown at CBS News over Tony Dokoupil’s interview with Ta-Nehisi Coates is that CBS News has an in-house “Race and Culture Unit.” Gee—I wonder what kind of people staff this unit, and what their viewpoint is? (See the latest on the matter from Bari Weiss and Oliver Wiseman here.) • Kamala Just Isn’t Very Good at This Department: Scott notes below
October 7, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• My contribution today to Twitter/X: Pretty sure we all know the answer to this. Chaser—the worst tweet of the day, which requires no comment: • How about this for an alternative protest slogan (suggested by “Lucretia”): From the river to the sea/Full Israeli sovereign-tee! I can go for that. • No oil company has been more sanctimonious about being a “good climate citizen” than BP, which for a while
October 2, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• I’m so old I can remember when some leading conservative pundits said J.D. Vance was a terrible pick and predicted that Trump would (and should) change his mind and drop him from the ticket. Good times! Good times! I won’t name names, but I have the receipts. • Tim Walz is clearly ignorant of Healey’s First Law of Holes: If you’re in one, stop digging. (The law is attributed
September 17, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• Feel good story of the day, breaking right now, on Twitter/X: And guess who made them explode all at once? • Someone posted on social media this slide from a recent corporate DEI training session for employees at an un-named corporation, and aside from whether it might violate civil rights law, a prediction: Some day in the future, most everyone is going to look back on things like this
August 30, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• Greetings from Reykjavik, where I have made the pilgrimage to the ultimate totem to postmodern Europe: the Monument to the Unknown Bureaucrat. No, this is not a joke. It’s real. (Actually overheard a tour guide tell his group that this is “the greatest statue in the world.” See video below.) And when you ponder the huge block of stone that constitutes the torso and brain of this unknown “person,”
August 9, 2024 — Steven Hayward

It is becoming impossible to keep up with the fast moving political landscape. Herewith a few stray and unrelated observations. • It is considered bad form and out of bounds to bring up—as Trump did yesterday—how Kamala Harris got her political start under Willie Brown. But here’s how the Los Angeles Times reported in its news pages almost 30 years ago: • Repeat after me: Kamala Harris was never
June 23, 2024 — Steven Hayward

After a week on the road, a lot to catch up on. • Let’s start with wishing a happy birthday today to the greatest living American: • It’s only six years late, but the Snopes fact-check people have belatedly confirmed that Joe Biden has been lying about Trump and Charlottesville: No, Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists ‘Very Fine People’ This was obvious to any fair-minded person who
June 11, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• So, Hunter Biden guilty on all counts. Best takes so far: • You may think you hate Anthony Fauci, but you don’t hate him enough: • Memo to the Trump campaign: In light of the fact that the four hostages Israel rescued in their daring and heroic raid last week were being held inside a UN-run encampment in Gaza, Trump ought to announce that one of his first acts
June 1, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• If we’re going to have lots and lots of batteries and lots of lots of “electrify everything,” then we’re going to need a whole lot more mining. Guess what, mom? Mining Is Mired in Regulatory Delays. That’s Now a Climate Problem. Put simply, support for climate action is support for mining. The faster we can build new mines in the U.S., the faster the energy transition will move. But
May 27, 2024 — Steven Hayward

Busy week on the road, now in Central Europe. But a few stray thoughts. • Apparently Richard Dreyfuss appeared live at The Cabot movie theater in Beverly, Massachusetts, Saturday night to offer comments before a special screening of Jaws, and apparently it didn’t go well. Here’s what is getting passed around on Twitter today: Uh, oh—what did he do? The best I can find quickly is this: Though I have
May 20, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• Regarding the helicopter crash that killed Iran’s President Raisi, what are the possibilities here: He had information that would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton He was flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s used chopper. Jewish space lasers. He was the next Boeing whistleblower Possible evidence for #1: But I think this might be fake. And probably this too: • It is frequently said that the left can’t meme. Here
May 14, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• I thought it was not possible to exceed the embarrassment of then-secretary of state John Kerry bringing James Taylor with him to a meeting in Paris to sing “You’ve Got a Friend” to the French, but I underestimated the capacities of Antony Blinken. On a visit to Kyiv, Ukraine, he picked up his electric guitar and performed one of Neil Young’s lamest offerings, “Keep on Rockin’ in the Free
May 8, 2024 — Steven Hayward

• Biden suffers another defeat at the hands of his Teleprompter: BIDEN's teleprompter troubles continue 🤦🏽♂️ "My theology professor at the Catholic school I went to was a guy named Riley [LAST NAME]…" pic.twitter.com/YkdwO44AVN — Raj Aryal (@rajaryal07) May 8, 2024 • Meanwhile, talk about letting the (Hamas) mask slip: Student at @FIU complains that “Anti-Jewish” protesters aren’t protected on campus. Note that she expressly said “Anti-Jewish” while reading her