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The American Mind
Terrorist Attacks Expose Liberal Craziness
Terrorism brings out the worst in liberals. The blindingly obvious fact that jihadist Muslims are attacking us is seldom if ever acknowledged. Instead, the Left’s approach is all about distraction. This time, a gay bar was the site of the Islamic massacre. So everywhere we see signs of solidarity with the “LGBTQ community.” To cite one of hundreds of examples, my own governor, Mark Dayton of Minnesota, has directed that »
Americans Don’t Like the Federal Government…
…so why do we keep giving it more money and power? Scott Rasmussen asked 1,000 Americans a simple question, but one that I don’t recall seeing polled before: do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of the federal government? (The question included “somewhat” and “very” options.) The result was 35% favorable, and 60% unfavorable. Therein lies one of the perennial mysteries of American politics. Most of us don’t think »