Thought experiment: What would the media and the Left (but I repeat. . .) be saying if President Romney was rewriting Obamacare on his own executive authority, delaying the business mandate, etc.? My guess is they’d be screaming for Romney’s impeachment.
Turns out National Review‘s Charles Cooke was way ahead of me—well, at least a day ahead of me—with this same inquiry. Only he fleshes it out in more detail:
Washington D. C. — In a move certain to please his conservative supporters and infuriate his critics, President Romney announced this afternoon that his administration would make yet another change to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In a terse release, posted without fanfare to the Department of Health and Human Services website, officials revealed that the law’s employer mandate would be suspended until 2016 for all businesses that employ between 50 and 99 people.
The move comes hot on the heels of news that the agency would not be enforcing the provisions in the law that require Americans to buy approved health insurance until after the next election. Now, as then, a simple explanation was forthcoming. “The president won,” a White House aide told National Review Online. “His disdain for the law was ratified by the people. Now he’s going to fundamentally transform it.” . . .
There’s more, including pitch perfect reactions from Harry Reid, Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz, and MSNBC (‘At the time of writing, MSNBC was in the 67th day of a special series, “Is Mitt Romney the Most Monarchical President in American History?”’).
So why isn’t the House Judiciary Committee holding hearings about Obama’s abuse of executive power, and hinting at the I-word?
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