America’s Trudeau

Pierre Trudeau was a certified “world-class wrecker” but as David Frum also noted, there was more to him that people might not know. For example:

Pierre Trudeau opted not to serve in World War II, although of age and in good health. He traveled to Josef Stalin’s Soviet Union to participate in regime-sponsored propaganda activities. He wrote in praise of Mao’s murderous regime in China. Trudeau lavishly admired Fidel Castro, Julius Nyerere, and other Third World dictators. The Soviet dissident Andrei Amalrik scathingly recalled Trudeau’s 1971 prime ministerial visit: Trudeau visited the Siberian city of Norilsk and lamented that Canada had never succeeded in building so large a city so far north – unaware, or unconcerned, that Norilsk had been built by slave labor. As prime minister, Trudeau to the extent he could, tried to reorient Canada away from the great democratic alliance.

It’s telling I think that Trudeau came to the edge of endorsing the communist coup against Solidarity in Poland in December 1981. Hours after the coup, Pierre Trudeau said: “If martial law is a way to avoid civil war and Soviet intervention, then I cannot say it is all bad.” He added “Hopefully the military regime will be able to keep Solidarity from excessive demands.”

And so on, but Trudeau’s service for Stalinist dictatorships never got the attention it deserved.  At one time the Royal Canadian Mounted Police handled intelligence matters but in 1984, on Trudeau’s watch, the RCMP was replaced by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service. In 1989, the CSIS “destroyed a Cold War dossier on Pierre Trudeau instead of turning it over to the national archives.” Consider the parallels with the composite character president David Garrow profiled in Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama.

As David Samuels noted in “The Obama Factor,” the composite character is a world-class wrecker, and largely responsible for “the disaster that we are living through now.” On the other hand, there’s much about him we still don’t know. In 2008, Radical-in-Chief author Stanley Kurtz ran into a wall of secrecy when investigating Obama’s ties with Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers and the whole leftist network in Chicago. That same year, two State Department contract employees were fired for accessing Obama’s passport file. What they managed to discover has not been revealed.

Obama’s CIA boss John Brennan, a voter for the Communist Gus Hall in 1976, is  not talking and neither is the FBI or State Department. Even without the full dossier, Obama still shapes up as America’s Pierre Trudeau, and the composite character has something in common with Justin.

In 2008, the Hillary Clinton campaign charged that Obama was born in Kenya and ineligible to be president. The “birther” business was a dodge from the real issue: the identity of the father. In Barack ‘em Up: A Literary Investigation, I make the case that the Communist Frank Marshall Davis – the poet “Frank” in Dreams from My Father – is Obama’s real father. See also Joel Gilbert’s Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception.

Karen Leibowitcz makes a strong case that Justin Trudeau is the spawn of Sado-Stalinist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro. As the photos show, Justin does not resemble Pierre but he’s a dead ringer for Fidel. In similar style, the composite character bears little resemblance to the Kenyan Barack Obama. His writings from 1958-1964, housed at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture in New York, make no mention of an American wife and son. On the other hand, the composite character is the spitting image of Davis, sounds like Davis, and as Paul Kengor showed in The Communist, shares Davis’ political views. While the investigations continue, here’s the news: The election of Donald Trump has deprived the composite character of a fourth term. The time has now come for Canadians to end the disastrous Trudeau era.

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