From Mar-a-Lago to Marin-a-Lago

Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is paid  $234,101.00 by the State of California, recently purchased a $9 million mansion in Marin County. Contrary to some reports, the 5,600 square ft. property is not a move to get his kids into better schools. With this purchase, Newsom’s backers kick off his run for the White House in 2028.

As Dan Walters of CalMatters explains Gov. Newsom is part of a “decades-long saga of four San Francisco families intertwined by blood, by marriage, by money, by culture and, of course, by politics – the Browns, the Newsoms, the Pelosis and the Gettys.”

Newsom’s grandfather was a crony of Jerry Brown’s father, Gov. Edmund G. “Pat” Brown. Newsom’s father was a crony of Gov. Jerry Brown, who appointed William Newsom to superior court and appeal court judgeships. Gavin’s father had been an attorney for oil magnate J. Paul Getty, once touted as the richest man in the world.  Old-money Gavin is up to his coiffure in Getty-bucks. Tack on wealthy donors and the Marin digs are not a problem.

Gavin dresses in fine style but he’s shrink-wrapped in statist superstition. The unelected Coastal Commission bosses who tried to shut down Elon Musk’s launches are his “friends,” and the same goes for his pals at the Air Quality Management District, run by climate-change quacks who never have to face the voters. True to form, Newsom has limited gas and oil production, resulting in soaring gas prices that punish the people. On the other hand, Gov. Newsom is the criminals’ best friend.

One of Newsom’s first acts in office was to reprieve the sentences of 737 death-row inmates, the worst of the worst. Some of them, along with out-of-state criminals, got unemployment benefits during the scandal managed by Julie Su, Biden’s choice for labor secretary. Despite the age difference, Newsom has a lot in common with Biden.

They both have difficulty reading and show little if any knowledge of influential authors. For Newsom, that includes Hoover Institution’s Thomas Sowell, author of Basic Economics and many other books.  To adapt Ray Bradbury’s afterword to Fahrenheit 451, Newsom and Biden have never said anything that would make a sub-moron’s mouth twitch.

The addled Biden is prone to exaggeration and that is also true of Newsom, who claims he attended college on a partial baseball scholarship, and that the only reason he became governor was baseball. In reality, it was all about money and ruling-class connections. That’s what Willie Brown had in mind when he appointed Newsom to San Francisco’s Parking and Traffic Commission in 1996.

Gavin Newsom is also a protégé of former aunt Nancy Pelosi, and when the governor declared the state of emergency in 2020, Newsom said California was “blessed to have her leadership.” The former House Speaker, at 84 older than Biden, is doubtless behind Newsom’s effort to “Trump-proof” California. On economics, crime, foreign policy and immigration, Newsom is nothing like Trump. Maybe he thinks Marin-a-Lago is his ticket to the White House, so we’ll have to see what happens.

In 2019, Newsom proclaimed, “there’s no greater political mind in our lifetime than Governor [Jerry] Brown.” As Californians may recall, Jerry Brown failed on three runs (1976, 1980, 1992) for the presidency. The hereditary governor, who once rented a humble apartment, is worth an estimated $10 million and lives on a sprawling 2,500-acre estate in Colusa County, some 70 miles north of Sacramento.

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