The Daily Chart: The California Exodus Update

As everyone knows, California is losing population. It’s quite a progressive achievement: how do you make a place of such beauty and benign climate so unfavorable that for the first time since statehood in 1850, California is no longer attractive to people to stay or come in the first place (except, of course, for foreign “migrants”).

A few years back I saw some data from the Public Policy Institute of California (supposedly a centrist organization, which means it’s liberal) that it was mostly middle class households moving from California, while the state will still a net gainer of upper income households, which is not surprising given the dynamism and riches of Silicon Valley and Hollywood. But more recent PPIC data suggest that every income class is now leaving the state on net:

Chaser: I hear from good sources that Kamala Harris and her team are contacting leading Democratic donors and party leaders around California asking that they prepare to clear the field for her to run for governor in 2026. Surely just what California needs.

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