This is like Libya running out of sand: Cuba is now an importer of sugar:
The Cuban government acknowledged that it is “shameful” for the island, traditionally one of the leading sugar producers in Latin America, to be forced to import this product.
I think it is shameful that Cuba still has a Communist government after all these years of unremitting impoverishment and enslavement of the Cuban people.
Over the years, the crisis in the industry has been severe. During the last harvest season, the failures were evident, resulting in a drop in production that has impacted both the domestic market and exports, a sector that was previously one of the main sources of income for the country. As a consequence, Cuba has ceased exporting sugar and is facing challenges in supplying this essential product in the local market.
Agricultural production has exploded around the world, but not in poor, benighted Cuba.
So how much are Cubans now paying for sugar?
The scarcity of sugar has led to a significant increase in prices, reaching as much as 600 pesos per pound in the domestic market. This situation has severely impacted family economies, as sugar is a staple product in every Cuban household.
At the current exchange rate of 1 Cuban peso = .04177USD, 600 Cuban pesos are equivalent to 25 US dollars per pound of sugar. Meanwhile, how much does a pound of sugar cost in the U.S.? $1. It’s the miracle of socialism: in a Communist country that was formerly swimming in sugar, the product now costs 25 times as much as in the capitalist country next door. Which sums up, in a nutshell, the poverty of people living under socialism.
Via InstaPundit.
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