The Daily Chart: Eat Prime Rib, Not Prime Ministers

Let’s have a little fun with the format today. In a world awash in data, it figures someone would try to quantify how many European prime ministers have ever been eaten by their constituents. Sure enough, the citizens of the Netherlands ate their prime minister Johann De Witt in the 17th century, blaming him for a plague. (Anthony Fauci and other Branch Covidians ought to watch out!)

I suspect political correctness prohibits researchers from asking for data from Africa. I recall the opening paragraph of one of the middle chapters of Evelyn Waugh’s Scoop—a novel that could not be published today with this:

Various courageous Europeans, in the seventies of the last century, came to Ishmaelia, or near it, furnished with suitable equipment of cuckoo clocks, phonographs, opera hats, draft-treaties and flags of the nations which they had been obliged to leave. They came as mission­aries, ambassadors, tradesmen, prospectors, natural scientists. None returned. They were eaten, every one of them; some raw, others stewed and seasoned – according to local usage and the calendar (for the better sort of Ishmaelites have been Christian for many centuries and will not publicly eat human flesh, uncooked, in Lent, without special and costly dispensation from their bishop).

But wait—there’s more! Bonus:

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