
Dreams from Her Father

Featured image With his daughter in the running for president, Donald Harris’ 1978 Capital Accumulation and Income Distribution is getting attention. Check out this anonymous review in the July 24 Economist: The probable Democratic nominee for president breaks into a laugh at the turn of phrase before explaining, somewhat philosophically, the message of the story: “you exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.” For »

The Power of Weakness

Featured image Modern liberals have distilled the true essence of Marxism, which is the idea that every human relationship is exploitative. Lenin summed it up as “who/whom”–who is doing what to whom? Of course this idea is ridiculous. Most human relationships, whether personal or economic, are not exploitative. But Marx’s idea has a perennial appeal to the discontented, and is endlessly malleable to suit the neuroses of the day. Thus, modern Marxists »