Monthly Archives: November 2005

Be Thankful for Democracy

The optimistic title of Jennifer Harper’s article in the Washington Times this morning is “Public Ignores Iraq War Naysayers.” That might be a bit of a stretch, but it certainly is true that the public at large retains a more optimistic view of the Iraq war than the media. Harper cites a recent poll by the Pew Research Survey: Negative press coverage of the war in Iraq in recent weeks »

Giving thanks

Our friends at the Claremont Institute have posted a lovely reflection on “Giving thanks” with links to President Washington’s original 1789 Thanksgiving Proclamation and President Lincoln’s 1863 reaffirmation. The Claremont reflection concludes: As our soldiers fight and die in Iraq and around the world, we should remember the wartime wisdom of Lincoln and the founding wisdom of Washington on Thanksgiving Day. Guided by prayer, we should recall our higher purposes. »

Giving thanks for Bill Buckley

William F. Buckley turns 80 today. George Will pays tribute to Buckley as the most consequential journalist of all time: “A journalist for the ages.” I’ve written about Buckley here many times, most recently in “WFB@80” and in “Present at the creation.” »

Murray Waas’s history remix

Seixon takes a look at the National Journal article by Murray Waas that I commented on yesterday: “The history remix tour.” Seixon analyzes the thread of the article that purports to expose the administration’s conflation of Iraq and al Qaeda. He compares Waas’s article with the 9/11 Commission Report and the Senate Intelligence Committee Report on prewar intelligence. He finds Waas to be engaged in “blatant historical revisionism,” recycling canards »


I never blog about my day job as a lawyer, but I can’t resist mentioning the Eagles victory in the Terrell Owens arbitration, which my firm handled for the club and in which I played a small part. »

The war they believe in

The only war the Democrats really have their heart in is the war to undermine the Bush administration. Any incidental damage done to the national interest in furtherance of that war appears in their eyes to be for the greater good. The Democrats’ war continues in the latest installment of Murray Waas’s iteration of the Democrats’ “Bush lied” theme in National Journal: “Key intelligence briefing kept from Hill panel.” Summarizing »

I Rarely Second-Guess…

…other lawyers, but I admit I was surprised to see that John Kerry made it on to a Boston jury, where he served as foreman. It’s hard to imagine a case where one side or the other wouldn’t want to strike him. This doesn’t appear to have been much of a lawsuit; two individuals sued the city, alleging they were injured in a collision with a city employee, and the »

Let’s go to the tape

Many readers have written commenting on our post on Chris Matthews’s recent talk in Toronto and his message to us (and others) last night. In his message Matthews advised us to track down the students in Toronto — I suppose that would necessarily be one at a time, following his brilliant strategy for the war — who invited him to speak. I don’t know any students at the University of »

More honored in the breach

On Monday FrontPage posted Abraham Miller’s superb account of a recent Daniel Pipes appearance in San Francisco: “The Palestinian-Israeli War.” Miller writes: When it comes to the Middle East most observers don’t process data, they process denial. When almost immediately after Oslo, Arafat stopped in a Stockholm mosque to repudiate the Accords and was subsequently caught, he denied what he had said. Those who could not see beyond Oslo were »

Congressman Kennedy Reports

My Congressman, Col. John Kline, has just led a delegation to Iraq that included Minnesota Congressman Mark Kennedy. I think we’ll be hearing from John soon, but in the meantime, Mark has sent us his impressions of the trip, recorded contemporaneously: The Right Headline The headline on Sunday, Nov. 20 edition of the military newspaper “Stars and Stripes,” Mid-East Edition, was: “Amid debate, Bush vows ‘complete victory’ in Iraq. House »

Too old not to dream

Scott has already commented on the Ariel Sharon’s decision to leave the Likud party and form a centrist party for the purpose of more easily following the “road map for peace.” At one level, the decision is stunning. However, the forces driving Sharon are not unfamiliar — the yearning of Israelis for peace with their Palestinian enemies, and an old man’s quest to leave behind a great legacy by satisfying »

In plain view

My 17 year-old daughter is conservative but not across-the-board, and she has a very open mind. In fact, she led the family rebellion that caused us to re-subcribe to the Washington Post after I had cancelled our subscription in the summer of 2004. I’m glad she did. Now, every morning she reads the headlines from both the Post and the Washington Times. Often the bias of the Post headlines leaves »

A word from Chris Matthews

We have received a message from Chris Matthews, apparently in response to Paul’s post “Chris Matthews in Canada.” Here is the message in its entirety: I told the students that the way to deal with terrorists is the way Golda Meir did after the attack on the Israeli Olympic athletes: hunt them down and kill them one at a time and be rough about it. Every person in that room »

Lincoln’s Thanksgiving

David Gelernter weaves four themes into his timely meditation on “Abraham Lincoln’s Thanksgiving.” Supplement Gelernter’s Standard column today with his Los Angeles Times column of this past Friday: “Lincoln’s words, our pledge.” »

Sharon’s big bang

I’ve frequently complained here about the obtuse nature of Israeli politics and the Israeli political system by contrast with the brilliance of so much of the rest of Israeli life. In its editorial on the abandonment by Ariel Sharon of the political party he helped create, the Jerusalem Post expresses guarded optimism on the potential for the clarification of the voters’ choices: “Sharon’s big bang.” The Post writes, for example: »

“Kerrying” our soldiers

In addition to its editorial on Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns yesterday, the New York Sun also ran a column by John O’Neill on the Democrats’ Murtha madness. Although full access to the column was reserved for Sun subscribers, Bruce Kesler of Democracy Project posted the column in full here. O’Neill wrote: Senator Kerry, supposedly defending Rep. John Murtha, said, “I won’t stand for the Swift-Boating of Jack Murtha!” As »

The Prague connection

Edward Jay Epstein recently traveled to Prague in order to “sort out the confusion” over whether Mohamed Atta met with an Iraqi intelligence officer in April 2001. OpinionJournal has posted Epstein’s report: “Atta in Prague?” Epstein lucidly summarizes the factual background to the question and concludes that “the Prague connection, and all that led up to it,” has been “consigned to a murky limbo.” »