Kamala Harris delivered the commencement address yesterday at the U.S. Naval Academy. In an attempt at woke humor, Harris inserted feminism into her homage to green energy. She said:
Just ask any Marine today, would she rather carry 20 pounds of batteries or a rolled up solar panel, and I am positive she will tell you a solar panel. And so would he.
At least Harris limited herself to two genders.
This line was followed by the Harris laugh and tepid applause. According to this account (which includes video), there were also groans from the crowd.
The Harris laugh doesn’t annoy me as much as it does some of her critics. However, laughing at one’s own lines, especially when they are this lame, is not a good look.
Harris’ punch line came after she informed electrical engineering graduates that they “will soon help convert solar and wind energy into power, convert solar and wind energy into combat power.” On Twitter, critics observed that solar panels generally still require batteries to store energy collected from sunlight.
Fox News has the story here. The comments are worth checking out.
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