Well, it’s been a bad week, what with the California recall failing miserably, news of a “Seven-Days-in-May” scenario playing out in the closing weeks of the Trump Administration courtesy of General Thoroughly Modern Millie, and more COVIDery from Slow Joe and His Crew. But at least we have the Met Gala! Liberals are always great for free entertainment on the hypocrisy front. And AOC is the gift that keeps on giving—glad to see that Steve Bannon’s greatest dirty trick on the Dems still hasn’t been discovered. Strap in with an extra tall cup of coffee; it’s an epic edition today.
Your periodic reminder:
Headlines of the week:

I was expecting Soylent Green by now.

Likely most of the complaints are about the new Abba album.

The hero America needs

Will someone please stop the madness?

And finally. . .
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