Loose Ends (268)

The clearest sign that wokeness is over will be when the Washington Commanders NFL football team (“Commanders”—perfect name for the team located within the beating heart of the administrative state, no?) changers their name back to “Redskins.” There are some news stories suggesting this may be under consideration. Hopefully Cleveland will restore “Indians” to their MLB team, too.

Given that over 60 percent of native Americans voted for Trump, it would seem that all those “land acknowledgements” didn’t work! (Keep in mind that votes from Indian reservations used to be a prime place for Democrats to “find” votes in close elections in the mountain and plains states.)

Speaking of major league sports, I hold the opinion that the three-point shot ruined the NBA. Not all at once, but slowly. Gone are both the traditional half-court offense looking for shots close to the basket that required teamwork, passing, screens, etc. The fast-break also declined. No more “showtime” for the Lakers or anyone else.

Behold now Major League Baseball is flirting with another similar truly terrible idea:

By the way, shouldn’t the Lakers (named after the 10,000 lakes of their original home in Minnesota) change their name to reflect that climate change is drying up all of the world’s lakes?

Titania McGrath does it again with “So Many Voters Got It Wrong“:

The nightmare has happened. The racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic voters of the United States have elected Donald Trump. I feel like moving to America just so that I can emigrate in protest.

There is absolutely no doubt whatsoever that on the first day that Trump seizes power, he will transform the US into a fascist hellscape. He is the kind of tyrant who is so cunning that he spent four years in the White House not being a dictator to disguise his intention to become a dictator during a second term. His Machiavellianism knows no bounds. . .

In moments of crisis, it’s important not to overreact. But we now know for sure that the US is a country populated by Nazis — Jewish Nazis, Black Nazis, Hispanic Nazis, Indian Nazis, gay Nazis — all turning out in hordes to support the Naziest Nazi who ever lived. By Trump’s standards, Adolf Hitler was positively angelic.

In fact, if Hitler could have travelled forward in time, he would definitely have killed Trump as a baby.

Read the whole thing. It’s short; this was just a sample.

Never-Trump World is not taking it well:

The anti-Trump movement is in tatters. Now it’s scrambling to remain relevant.

Donald Trump’s victory splintered the already fractured Never Trump movement into shards and further boxed out his MAGA outcasts, leaving some of his most prominent Republican critics scrambling for relevance in a reordered GOP. . .

“The Never Trumpers and Lincoln Project folks just need to climb back under their rocks for a few years,” said Scott Reed, the veteran GOP strategist and leader of the Pro-Pence Committed to America PAC.

Asked where Never Trumpers go from here, Jeff Timmer, former executive director of the Michigan GOP and a member of the Lincoln Project, told POLITICO: “You mean reeducation camps? I’m being an optimist.”

Re-education camps might sound good on the surface, but most Never-Trumpers are un-educable, so forget it.

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