The Fight for America’s Past

One of the most important contemporary battles is the war over America’s history. The Left is trying to seize control over our country’s future by trashing its past. In Minnesota, my organization is fighting a years-long battle against the Tim Walz administration’s attempt to turn K-12 public education into an endless course in anti-Americanism. Standing up for America’s past is one of the most important things we can do as conservatives.

Which is why, one week ago today, American Experiment commemorated the Battle of Nashville, fought 160 years ago. Most people know about the First Minnesota Volunteer Regiment, which fought in the East and, at Gettysburg, carried out the most famous suicide charge in the history of the U.S. Army. But most are unaware of the heroic role played by the other 10 or so Minnesota regiments, all of which fought in the West.

The Battle of Nashville deserves to be better remembered. It was the first time a Confederate army fled a battlefield in disarray, and it effectively ended the war in the West. And who were the heroes of Nashville? Minnesotans. It was at Nashville, not Gettysburg, that the largest number of Minnesota soldiers fell.

Those Western Minnesota units deserve to be remembered with pride. One of the units who fought at Nashville, nicknamed the Gorillas, inspired a Confederate general to say, “You can kill ’em, but you can’t make ’em run.”

So on Monday, we commemorated the Battle of Nashville at Minnesota’s Civil War memorial in St. Paul. The event was inspired by John Phelan’s article on the Battle of Nashville in the October issue of Thinking Minnesota. Ken Flies, likely the foremost living expert on the battle, spoke. We had a high school color guard, too. This is a short video of the proceedings:

Our ancestors were far better men than we are. But maybe by studying their deeds and honoring their memory, we can narrow that gap, if only a little. And above all, we must stop the Left from institutionalizing a false narrative of our past.

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