Immigration Rethink: It’s Happening in Europe

For a long time I have been speculating that the time will come when Europe faces a choice—it will need to expel large numbers of culturally incompatible immigrants, or face the extinction of their national identities. It is easy to make the case that Europe will choose, by default, the second option. But perhaps the turn is coming, from the most unexpected place. From Reuters:

Sweden seeks to change constitution to be able to revoke citizenships

STOCKHOLM, Jan 15 (Reuters) – Sweden is preparing to change the constitution to be able to take away the passports of people who obtained citizenship by fraudulent means, or who are a threat to the state, the government said on Wednesday. [Emphasis added.]

People with dual nationality who received citizenship by providing false information, bribery or threats, as well as people convicted of crimes like espionage or treason could be stripped of their Swedish passports if the law is passed. . .

The proposals to revoke citizenship were put forward by a cross-party parliamentary committee. To change the Swedish constitution, the proposals need to pass a vote in parliament with a simple majority, followed by a general election and then a second Riksdag vote.

I wonder if Sweden will remain the darling model of social democracy for American progressives if this proceeds. Denmark, the other beloved social democracy among American progressives and Bernie Bros, has already clamped down on “migrants.” Politico:

In the last decade, Denmark has integrated an increasingly harsh stance on immigration. In 2023, Denmark revoked residency permits for Syria refugees, declaring some parts of the war-torn country safe for return, before backtracking after international backlash. In 2021, the country passed a law that could allow refugees arriving in Denmark to be moved to asylum centers in partner countries, such as Rwanda, a proposal which the European Commission criticized. It also looked hard at detaining asylum seekers on a remote island.

The United States is actually the laggard in this trend. Thirty-nine hours to wait, as of this writing. . .

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