Ammo Grrrll doesn’t really lament OH! THE HUMANITY…She writes:
Are you all as GIDDY as I am? I am even happier than I was at about this time in 2017, because we had not yet experienced the worst that has happened to our beloved country. All freedom lovers, all patriots interested in free expression, everybody who thinks a country without borders is not a country should be equally happy.
Anybody involved in the construction business should be popping the champagne with the inauguration of Donald J. Trump. Soooo much to build!
There’s The Wall, of course, which should, at a minimum, be three stories high, have alligator-filled moats, and random, intermittent dumps of boiling oil. Then there’s a yuge opportunity for a boom in small businesses which should probably thrive like never before. We MIGHT even need more prisons now that “crime” is a thing again. But, maybe when we deport the thousands of criminal illegals currently clogging up our prisons sufficient space will open up.
And, oh yeah, we need to build mile after mile of drab Soviet-style internment camps to house the many narcissistic celebrities and terrified Professional Victims in Protected Categories who are certain they are destined to reside there. Many late-night “comedians” and has-been Hollywood personalities are CONFIDENT that THEY are so important that Trump will have no choice but to shut them up and lock them down. Oh, for Pete’s sake, grow up!
It would be humorous were it not so unhinged: Kathy Griffin, Whoopi, several ill-named Joys, Colbert and others are pretending to be terrified that Literally Hitler is going to come for them in the middle of the night. You know, the way Trump did in his FIRST Presidency. That never happened? You don’t say! Okay, more like SWAT teams that swarmed Mar-A-Lago to paw through Melania’s underwear drawer.
Can you imagine how devastating it would be to these egomaniacs and Limousine Leftists to have a select few of their colleagues deemed too dangerous to roam free in polite society while informing THEM, “Nobody is coming for YOU. Literally nobody cares what you say or do. So carry on saying Eff Trump at the Oscars, Bobby, because nobody is watching.”
Kathy Griffin was trying to pump up lackluster ticket sales for her upcoming “comedy” shows by saying it would be the last time you got to see her before she would be sent to one of these internment camps. She is still bitter and “broken” because her career went down the porcelain convenience when all she ever did was have herself photographed holding “a little joke ‘parody’ picture” (her words) of a sitting President’s bloody disembodied head. Who knew that would be offensive?
This awful woman – who has never been funny even by accident – has yet to tell us in exactly what context beheading is ever amusing? I take second to none in my loathing of Obama and I would be nauseated right down to my toes at a similar portrayal of him. Perhaps she should join Ellen and Portia in Jolly Olde “England where beheading is much admired by the millions of new “migrants.”
Now the last time I looked Griffin had a net worth of some $20 million dollars, although that might have been cut in half with her unfortunate divorce. Still…many of us do manage to struggle through life with only $10 million in assets.
It was not MAGA people who suggested during COVID that the “Unvaccinated” should be put in reeducation camps until they agreed to get an experimental vaccine that wasn’t one. If it HAD been an actual vaccine, then nobody who got the jab would have even gotten sick, let alone died. I’ve had one Smallpox vaccination in my life and I’ve never had Smallpox.
Before we leave the discussion of internment camps and such, let me give a timely shout-out to my friend Eddie McTier‘s new book, Larry’s Lair. McTier is a born writer even if his books are not exactly totally “novels” per se. More like the definition of “novel” as “new” or “unusual.” I mean the last one was an intense grief-laden love story interwoven with an allegory about the intricate political and social structure of the Fire Ant Community! It was like nothing I had ever read before and I couldn’t put it down.
One of my Top Ten movies of all time is the 1949 British black comedy Kind Hearts and Coronets starring Sir Alec Guinness playing eight different roles! The language in the dialogue is almost Shakespearean in its perfection and completely hilarious. But what makes it even more delicious is that it is a Farewell Confession written in quill and ink as our protagonist faces certain execution. (No more spoilers – find it on streaming!)
I bring it up because Eddie McTier’s current offering is so novel that really I can’t “review” it without giving away key plot points. But it too is a tale told in the first person as a long note bearing witness. To what I cannot say without ruining it.
So I will speak just briefly about his protagonist and the setting. We first meet Larry as a precocious kid about to enter kindergarten. Little Larry did not turn out way smarter than the average bear by having been sent to a tony Chinese immersion school on the Upper West Side of New York. No. The product of a broken and dysfunctional family in the “Pennsyltucky” woods, Larry is a loner whose major influence – like both J.D. Vance and Justice Thomas — is a beloved grandparent, in Larry’s case a Grampa.
Few writers understand the psychology of the misfit, the lone Jewish kid, the kid “on the spectrum,” like Mr. McTier. If you are five years old, prefer be-bop jazz to pop music and can already read The Hardy Boys instead of “Run, Spot, Run,” you are pretty much destined to be called Weird Larry. But Larry is not crushed by the insult. He embraces it.
I am willing to bet that many readers this very day can identify with Larry’s assessment of his chances with wild animals versus capricious humans: “An animal won’t mess with you unless you try to kill it or unless it’s protecting its children. A human is liable to turn on you at any time, and I’ve never been any good at predicting when or understanding why. Life is easier in the woods…”
It’s a page-turning read and also kind of a “how-to” book for preppers. Available on Amazon. And now I have to get back to doing the Trump Dance to YMCA while periodically yelling, “Woohoo!” and “Praise God!” thereby causing poor Max Cossack to drop the cookies I thought I had hidden better.
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