This didn’t take long. The beginning of an “Open Letter” petition:
Open Letter from Yale Law Students, Alumni, and Educators Regarding Brett Kavanaugh
*Please sign below. Additional signatories will be added regularly*
July 10, 2018
To Dean Gerken and the Yale Law School leadership,
We write today as Yale Law students, alumni, and educators ashamed of our alma mater. Within an hour of Donald Trump’s announcement that he would nominate Brett Kavanaugh, YLS ‘90, to the Supreme Court, the law school published a press release boasting of its alumnus’s accomplishment. The school’s post included quotes from Yale Law School professors about Judge Kavanaugh’s intellect, influence and mentorship of their students.
Yet the press release’s focus on the nominee’s professionalism, pedigree, and service to Yale Law School obscures the true stakes of his nomination and raises a disturbing question: Is there nothing more important to Yale Law School than its proximity to power and prestige?
Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination presents an emergency — for democratic life, for our safety and freedom, for the future of our country. His nomination is not an interesting intellectual exercise to be debated amongst classmates and scholars in seminar. Support for Judge Kavanaugh is not apolitical. It is a political choice about the meaning of the constitution and our vision of democracy, a choice with real consequences for real people. Without a doubt, Judge Kavanaugh is a threat to the most vulnerable. He is a threat to many of us, despite the privilege bestowed by our education, simply because of who we are. . . people will die if he is confirmed.
There’s a lot more, and you can read the rest of it here, and you can scroll through the many signatures that come mostly from current and recently graduated students, plus a few low-level Yale Law staff members (only one full professor appears at the moment). Still. . .
Chaser: Remy’s treatment of this liberal trope is being fulfilled:
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