Pro-Military Democrats? Please

One of the more curious spectacles of recent years is the Democrats’ periodic attempt to appear patriotic and pro-military. Everyone who pays attention knows that they are indifferent, at best, to American military power, and most of the time they don’t try to hide it. But now and then they see an opportunity to fly a false flag; sometimes, as in this case, the results are humorous.

Start with Ted Cruz pointing out that “wokeness” is probably not the key to an optimal military force:

I think most of us would readily agree that a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea. But Democrats tried to twist Cruz’s words, bizarrely attacking him as anti-military. To which he responded:

A case in point is Brian Williams, formerly an alleged journalist and now a Democratic Party spokesman at MSNBC. Williams accused Senator Cruz of promoting Russian propaganda and of being pro-Russia:

This was too much. Cruz responded with a Twitter thread that left Williams a smoking ruin:

Is anyone dumb enough to fall for the Democrats’ nonsense? I doubt it. Everyone knows that: 1) It is Republicans who want the U.S. to be strong militarily. 2) It is Democrats, not Republicans, who think it is terrific for the Army to be “woke.” And 3) Wokeness is not the key to an effective military force. In short, the Republicans win this one, which is why Democratic Party mouthpieces like Jake Tapper and Brian Williams try so hard to distort what is going on.

Via RedState.

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