Is there hope for a deus ex machina to disrupt the imminent surrender of the United States to the genocidal maniacs of Iran? John Iris and Francois Murphy report for Reuters that “Iran nuclear talks stumble over unresolved Russian demands.” Russia is instrumental to our surrender. I assess with moderate confidence that the stumble will be rectified.
Marc Rod reports for Jewish Insider that a dozen House Dems have expressed objection to some of the major publicly reported provisions of the pending deal. Questions: Does it matter? Answer: No.
For a glimpse of the technical aspect of the madness of slow Joe, see the March 4 Institute for Science and International Security report Analysis of IAEA Iran Verification and Monitoring Report by David Albright et al. The futility of any arrangement with Iran to achieve any bona fide purpose is apparent.
Caroline Glick sums up and comments on the proceedings as we have followed them to date in her column “Washington’s betrayal has only just begun.” So many roads to choose and, yes, we’ve just begun.
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