Mo’ Better Migrants

Georgia District Attorney Deborah Gonzalez will not pursue the death penalty for Jose Ibarra, the criminal illegal who stalked nursing student Laken Riley, bashed in her head with rocks, and possibly strangled the 22-year-old. Aside from the “absolutely outrageous” sentence, this case confirms Americans’ protest that illegals get better treatment than they do.

Like millions of others, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security admitted the Venezuelan with no criminal background check, health records, English ability or job prospects, measures required of all legal immigrants. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security housed Ibarra in a Manhattan hotel and flew him to Athens, Georgia, site of the murder, all on taxpayer dollars.  This happens because the prime movers of the invasion, and their collaborators in government, believe that the illegals are better people than Americans and destined to replace them.

This belief traces back to La Raza Cósmica, by Mexican education minister and presidential candidate Jose Vasconelos. As he contended, the Ibero-American race of Spaniards and Indians is the future.  Slated to fade away is the black race, “eager for sensual joy, intoxicated with dances and unbridled lust.” The “Mongol” with his slanted eyes, “lacks the necessary boldness for new enterprises.” These too will pass away, along with the yankee “Anglos,” code for people with names such as O’Hoolihan, Renaud, Scalia, and Greenfield. According to the cosmic racist, the descendants of the English, Dutch and Scandinavians are “slow, almost dull, compared with the mestizo children from the south.” And so on.

As Bert Corona explained in Memoirs of Chicano History, Vasconcelos’ racial theory was “close to the kind of German racial superiority theory supported by Hitler.” Indeed, during WWII, Vasconcelos served as a Nazi propagandist, editor of the pro-Axis Timon magazine.

Rejected in South American, in the USA La Raza Cósmica became the founding document of the Southwest Council of La Raza. That group expanded into the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), with constant traffic of leaders to Democrat administrations. For example, NCLR vice-president Cecilia Muñoz became White House Director of Intergovernmental Affairs during the Obama administration.

In 2017, the National Council of La Raza changed its name to UnidosUS and now deploys the UnidosUS Action Fund, a 501 (c) (3) billed as a civil-rights organization but essentially a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party. Janet Murguía, who heads both divisions, served as deputy assistant to President Clinton and deputy campaign manager for Al Gore’s presidential campaign. UnidosUS applauds “President Biden’s leadership,” on policies including student debt cancellation but especially the border, which Biden threw open his first day in office. As the election approached, the razaists reached for the bullhorn.

For Latino voters, a clear choice,” Marguia proclaimed in April. “With Biden, we can continue forward on a path to progress and a brighter future. This is an election we cannot afford to lose. We must reelect Joe Biden and vice president Kamala Harris.  And we’re here because we know the president and vice president cannot fight these battles and continue their road to progress by themselves. They need elected officials who share the same values, and will work to find solutions in Congress.” The group also endorsed candidates Ruben Gallego, Raquel Teran and Kristen Engel, all Democrats.

Meanwhile, one day after the murderer Ibarra was sentenced, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security announced plans to allow illegals to skip in-person check-ins with ICE and instead contact immigration officials by means of an app. So here’s the news for all legitimate citizens and legal immigrants. More illegals will enter the United States and continue to get better treatment because UnidosUS, and their allies in the Biden-Harris administration, believe they are better than you.

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