How to Solve the Illegal Immigration Conundrum

It’s a knotty puzzle, isn’t it? Our laws forbid people from entering our country illegally, yet they keep doing it anyway! The Biden administration couldn’t solve the puzzle. Until its last days, in fear of electoral defeat, it didn’t come up with a plan to slow, let alone reverse, illegal immigration. This is because the Democrats actually like illegal immigration. As the party of small families (if any), their future is not bright unless they import future voters from abroad.

It turns out that the solution to the conundrum of illegal immigration is simple. The Swedes, who are nowhere near as weak or as liberal as many Americans suppose, have figured it out:

I believe the Swedes are dealing mostly with legal, not illegal, immigration. Although the line between the two has been blurred, since every Third World resident seeking admission to a better country knows that all you have to do is utter the magic word “asylum,” and you are transformed from an illegal alien into an allegedly legal one. This is the great hole in American immigration law that needs to be plugged. Trump, I think, will do it, if only by reinstating the “remain in Mexico” policy for would-be asylum seekers.

Trump’s election holds out hope that one of these days, our response to damaging immigration will be as intelligent as the Swedes’.

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