Not Transgender Women

Actual women such as Riley Gaines, Paige Spiranac, J. K. Rowling, and the female Israeli soldiers Steve helpfully displays each week, just got the news from the New York Times that they should be known as “non-transgender women.” This drew flak from tennis great Martina Navratilova, British Olympian Sharron Davies, and Rep. Nancy Mace, among others. The dynamics going on here will be of interest to all people.

NYT reporter has surrendered to to the Dictatorship of the Subjunctive Mood, institutionalized and enforced unreality. Under DSM a person can proclaim themselves to be anything, and everybody must follow along or stand accused of “transphobia,” “misgendering” and such. As Mace tweeted, “what bs,” but there’s more to it.

In narrow empty minds, contended French historian Hippolyte Taine, a general idea has the whole place to itself, so the narrow-minded can literally become possessed. In this case, the general idea is the notion that women can become men and vice versa. The narrow, empty minds are all over the establishment media, and George Orwell has thoughts on the matter in “Politics and the English Language.”

As the 1984 and Animal Farm author contended, so much bad writing proceeds from bad thinking, the need to deceive, the gap between real and concealed aims. Then there are simple bad habits such as defining things by what they are not, as in “not unjustifiable assumption.” Readers might wonder what Orwell would do with “not transgender woman” and the general idea behind it.

To prevent the “not-un” formulation,  Orwell suggest memorizing this phrase: “a not unblack dog was chasing a not unsmall rabbit across a not ungreen field.” For their part, the “not transgender woman” crowd might buy a can of spray paint and find a retaining wall for their writing. That’s the level they’re on.

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