Minnesota’s DFL politicians believe that they were born to rule. Accustomed to wielding power with unrestrained arrogance, they don’t allow niceties like election results to stand in their way. From 2022 through 2024, Democrats enjoyed a trifecta, having slight–one vote in the Senate–majorities in both legislative houses, and occupying the governor’s office in the person of Tim Walz.
They used their razor-thin margins to ram through the most left-wing agenda of any state Democratic party, California not excepted. The voters, predictably, didn’t like it, and in last November’s election House Republicans gained three seats, putting them in a 67-67 tie with the Democrats. (Senators, serving four-year terms, were not up for election.) But when it developed that a DFL candidate had cheated, claiming to live in the district where he ran while he did not, it turned into a 67-66 Republican majority, pending a special election to be held down the road.
Ever since, Democrats have been trying to bully their way into control of the House of Representatives, where they are a minority, by refusing to show up for work and claiming, wrongly, that they have deprived the majority of a quorum. You could call it a coup, or an insurrection.
Scott and I have written about the situation a number of times. My organization has swung into action, using our 150,000+ email list and social media to bombard Democratic House members–or would-be members, since they haven’t shown up for work or been sworn in–with thousands of emails from their own constituents denouncing their walkout.
Tomorrow’s New York Post will carry an op-ed by me that brings the status of the Democrats’ attempted coup up to date, and connects it to past anti-democratic actions by that party. Please do read it!
Tomorrow morning, the Minnesota Supreme Court will hear arguments on the Democrats’ lawsuit that attempts to stop the Republican majority from conducting business in the House. So far, the entire DFL establishment has colluded in their coup attempt–Governor Tim Walz, Secretary of State Steve Simon, and Minority Leader Melissa Hortman and her fellow House members.
The Democrats’ legal position is so weak that they must be counting on the fact that all seven justices of the Minnesota Supreme Court are Democrats. I hope, and I believe, that their trust in party loyalty is misplaced. The law is simply too clear, and I think the Minnesota Supreme Court will follow the Constitution and do the right thing.
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