“Are you supportive of these onesies?”

Senator Bernie Sanders has given us a historic moment of Senate cross-examination in the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. confirmation hearing. Sanders posed a question that will rank up there in the annals of Senate history with the question attorney Joseph Welch posed to Joe McCarthy in the Army-McCarthy hearings of 1954: “Have you no sense of decency?”

Sanders nailed RFK with the question: “Are you supportive of these onesies?” He might have fine-tuned it to “Are you now or have you ever been supportive of these onesies?” You know — in the spirit of Joe McCarthy. As it is, however, Bernie reigned supreme.

Just answer the question!

This was history in the making. Megyn Kelly would have lent RFK a hand if only she could have stopped laughing.

Long live Onesiegate!

The history here is of the Laughter Is the Best Medicine variety. It’s settled science.

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