It Isn’t Funny

We and many others had fun yesterday at Joe Biden’s expense. He tweeted an announcement: the Equal Rights Amendment has been adopted! It’s the law of the land! No one took it seriously; if a president really tried to change the Constitution via executive order, he would be impeached and driven from office.

Personally, I doubt Biden has any idea that he tweeted the supposed adoption of the ERA. I assume that was done by some nameless intern in the White House. Democrats see no problem with the fact that we have a president who has no idea what is going on. Happily, we have only two more days to go. But Biden has been out of commission for most of his term in office, maybe all of it.

Here is another instance: Mike Johnson relates that Biden had no idea he had signed an important executive order:

President Biden had no clue whether or not he signed a critical executive order during a conversation last year with Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, who admitted he left the meeting fearing the nation is in “serious trouble.”

An addled Biden insisted to the Louisiana lawmaker that he never issued the order to freeze new liquid natural gas export permits — even though he signed off on it less than a month earlier.
The troubling encounter happened in the Oval Office in early 2024, when the two met to discuss the latest aid package for Ukraine.

Afterwards, Johnson asked Biden why he had inked an executive order pausing new permits for American liquid natural gas export to European allies — a crucial issue for his constituents in the Bayou State, which in 2023, handled 61% of the nation’s LNG exports, according to the US Energy Information Administration.

“Why would you do that? Cause you understand we just talked about Ukraine, you understand you are fueling Vladimir Putin’s war machine, because they gotta get their gas from him,” Johnson said he told Biden.

Biden was stunned, Johnson said.

“I didn’t do that,” the president said, according to Johnson.

It is easy to ridicule Biden’s obvious incapacity, but his senility is no laughing matter. We haven’t had a real president for a long time–maybe four years. In the Constitution, the executive function of government is embodied in the president. The Executive Branch reports to him. That is what the Constitution says, but it isn’t how our government has functioned since 2021. Someone has been making executive decisions, but it wasn’t the President.

Democrats don’t really mind the absence of a chief executive. They are happy with government by an anonymous, and unaccountable, committee of leftists, along with the federal bureaucracy, the extra-constitutional fourth branch of government that is overwhelmingly staffed by Democrats. But the rest of us shouldn’t be. The “Biden Administration” should be viewed as a bizarre aberration in American history, not as a portent of things to come.

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