Susan Page was granted what was to be a 45-minute interview by our outgoing alleged president who cannot shuffle off the stage fast enough. The interview is pathetically unilluminating. Page’s story on it is here along with a transcript here.
Biden shows no awareness of his present incapacity and Page isn’t inclined to press him on it. This was the best she could do: “Do you think you would’ve had the vigor to serve another four years in office?” Given the time Biden has spent on vacation over the past four years, this must be a some kind of a joke.
Biden responds:
I don’t know. That’s why I thought when I first announced, talking to Barack about it, I said I thought I was the person. I had no intention of running after Beau died – for real, not a joke. And then when Trump was running again for reelection, I really thought I had the best chance of beating him. But I also wasn’t looking to be president when I was 85 years old, 86 years old. And so I did talk about passing the baton. But I don’t know. Who the hell knows? So far, so good. But who knows what I’m going to be when I’m 86 years old?
We know what he’s been from 78-82. That more than suffices to answer Page’s laughable question.
Page maternally ask how Hunter is doing — you know, the son managing the Biden family business. Biden must be trolling us:
He’s doing great, God love him. Thank God. He’s doing really well. He’s been straight and sober. He’s involved, he’s written a book about it openly. He’s been involved, and he’s always… The thing that I didn’t, he’s a very, I was going to say “kid.” He’s a grown man. He’s a very bright guy, very high-IQ. He’s very well-educated. Georgetown, Yale, and that kind of thing, smart as hell.
But he always talked about, I said, when he was going to Yale Law School, I said, “Why are you doing that?” He said he wasn’t going to go to art school. He said, “What happens when I get to art school and find out I can’t paint?” [Laughs].
But he’s doing a lot of art now, and he’s making a living doing it…
Amazing, isn’t it? Everyone involved in this pathetic interview should be embarrassed.
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